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Welcome to Nestec! Nestec is an innovative agriculture app designed to streamline farm management tasks and optimize agricultural operations. Whether you're a small-scale farmer or managing a large farm, Nestec offers tools to enhance productivity and efficiency.


Empowering farmers, one harvest at a time

Deployed Site:

Landing Page:

Final Project Blog Article:

Author's LinkedIn:


Backend Dependencies:

  1. Express: For building the RESTful API and handling HTTP requests
  2. Mongoose: For interacting with MongoDB database
  3. dotenv: For loading environment variables from the .env file
  4. bcrypt: For hashing passwords
  5. jsonwebtoken: For generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens for authentication
  6. Redis-CLI: for the cache database server
  7. Node.js: Server

to be added at a later stage

  1. twilio: Python library for Twilio API


  1. Roboflow YOLO v8
  2. OpenWeather API
  3. Other API (not mentioned due to permission grant Ts & Cs)

Frontend Dependencies:

  1. react-router-dom: For client-side routing
  2. axios: For making HTTP requests to the backend API
  3. Bootstrap: For styling and UI components
  4. Node.js: API

Example of Development Procedure Followed

Backend Dependencies:

  1. Navigate to the backend directory:

    mkdir backend && cd backend
  2. Initialize npm (if not already initialized):

    npm init -y
  3. Install required dependencies:

    npm install express mongoose dotenv bcrypt jsonwebtoken

Frontend Dependencies:

  1. Navigate to the <repo root> directory:

    cd ../<repo root>
  2. Initialize npm:

    npm init -y
  3. Install required dependencies:

    npm install axios


To install and run Nestec on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

    git clone /~
  2. Navigate to the project directory.

    cd Nestec_farm-app
  3. Install dependencies for the frontend and backend.

    cd /<repo root>
    npm install
    cd ../node-redis-mongodb-backend
    npm install
  4. Ensure you have MongoDB and Redis installed and running on your machine. Make sure to note down the MongoDB and Redis ports.

  5. Create a .env file in the cache-aside pattern server directory and provide the necessary environment variables.


    Replace <mongo_port>, <redis_port>, and <node_port> with the respective ports for MongoDB, Redis and Node server.

  6. To start the servers

NodeJS Server

cd ../<repo root>
npm start


node server.js

N. B.: the front end static files are automatically served into the backend server when the Node server runs. Check the API routes. Adjust with caution.

Cache-aside Server

cd ../node-redis-mongodb-backend
npm start
  1. Access the application in browser using the following ports at:
  • frontend: http://localhost:3000
  • backendend (to run the backend servers:
    • MongoDB: http://localhost:3030
    • Redis: http://localhost:11136
Make sure to replace `<mongo_port>`, `<redis_port>`, and
`<node_port>` with the actual ports you're using for
MongoDB, Redis, and your Node server respectively.

Additional Notes

  • App will continue being developed to add more features
  • Project Reviewer(s) recommendations:
    • User auth should also cover all the other contents beyond the home page and be render inaccessible until auth is completed
    • Recommendations by:
      • Seth Ketsi (Cohort 16)
      • Robert Adede (Cohort 17)
  • Challenges:
    • production for deployment (run build requires attention)
    • database migration: Firebase to MongoDB & Redis
    • React Material routing on a mounted React framework
    • Node.js static file feed

Screen Shots of App


Market News

Weather API

(MongoDB Data test)

Data Storage Model

Nestec web infrastructure