- Download Youtube video sending the link
- Download Instagram image post sending the link
- Generate long and strong random password
- Generate QRCode sending "qrcode /~https://github.com/brunohendias"
- Download Video on website sending the website link
- Search google images sending "search phone wallpaper"
- See and download adult videos sending "adult"
- steganography (injecting bytes on image file)
- get news on the globo.com
- Automation test
- Covert any text into audio
- Send email
- Docker or Python
- Python version 3
- Pip (Python package manager)
- Obs: I recommend to run with docker, to make things more easy
- Pyrogram To create the telegram bot
- TgCrypto To make fast the script
- python-dotenv To load the env variables
- jurigged To autoload the project
- pytube To Download the videos on youtube
- beautifulsoup4 To Interact with HTML
- requests To get things with links
- Pillow To Interact with Image files
- scrapingant-client To render html on external server
Install Docker and Docker compose openning this link Docker Desktop
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Install python openning this link Python Download
pip install -r requirements.txt
jurigged -v run.py
First do you need to set up the .env variables
Go to the bots link and follow the steps
Then set the variables on .env file with the values
Now your bot work!
This is a MIT open source code that you can feel free to contributing, use to your own project, replicate the code, create your own bot, improve the bot with pull requests.
Just clone the repository, create a new branch with the feature/fix name, do your changes, test the code manually, and then create the pull request
Obs: I'm implementting the selenium to run automation test
This project don't have a community but you can talk with me on my socials
It's a MIT license project
For more information see the LICENSE file