If you want to start any Admin Panel or want best Angular Architecture then take this repo and follow below steps,
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 14.2.3.
Login Credentials
Email: admin@admin.com
Password: admin
Run below commands in console
1. npm install
2. ng build
3. ng serve
Open New console and run below command to run API
1. json-server --watch db.json
1. AdminLTE3 template
2. Admin template
3. Responsive on mobile
4. Angular material
5. Dynamic module routing and Dependency injection
6. Lazy loading modules
7. Design patterns
8. InBuilt database with help of Json-Server
9. RxJs new features
10. Custom loader service
11. Custom notification service
12. State management service to maintain state on page refresh
13. Back button functionality for views
14. Add custom validations and form validations into form group
15. Show/Hide menu bar on click for both desktop and mobile layout