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Releases: briankrd/Malsp-KUSTOM

beta3 build 3199

09 Feb 07:22
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beta3 build 3199 Pre-release


Always remember that this is a pre-release and therefore won't be perfect.


  • Added "On-Screen Settings" feature (Experimental).

  • Fixed the bug that when trying to open a notification it would show the android lock screen without opening the notification.

  • Album art color on Large media control buttons.

  • Some fixes and tweaks to the "Pixel Experience" and "One UI" layouts.

  • Wave animation when connecting a charger.

  • Bounce animation when touching the screen (Like Android).

  • "Pixel Experience" is now the default layout.

  • New small media control (now the button works).

  • Configurable animated progress bar for Large media control (Experimental).

  • Animations on the Play/Pause button of the large media control.

  • Fixed bug that caused the status bar icons to overlap the battery percentage when hiding the icon.

  • Notifications are now displayed in order.

  • Some screen adaptation bugs have been fixed.

  • Customization options for the navigation bar.

  • New animation when showing and hiding the navigation bar (the best feature of all, no one can say otherwise).

  • Simulation of the Android Monet engine thanks to MonetPS (Experimental).

  • Fixed some bugs in the notification container.

  • Added a color source selector to enhance the contrast of interface text when needed.

  • Dynamic Bluetooth icon in the status bar.

You can report any bug in the preset on the "issues" section of this repository or in the original reddit post in the r/Kustom subreddit.

beta2 build 2047

07 Apr 07:43
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beta2 build 2047 Pre-release


Always remember that this is a pre-release and therefore won't be perfect.


  • Android 13 DP2 media control.

  • Network icons (for now unified) and sound icons in the status bar.

  • User interface layouts (experimental).

  • Change of animation method in the media control and small clock: basically with what I am dedicating to the preset I have learned a lot of the code that Kustom handles and I already know how to animate and do several actions in a single element without having to clone it for each thing, which improves performance and eliminates visual artifacts (yes, I'm a noob but I'm learning 👍).

  • The three types of interface fonts are now customizable (regular, medium, light).

  • It will now be possible to customize the font of the hour and minute separately on the large clock..

  • The font of the small clock can now be independently customized.

  • Reduced notifications is now a fully functional feature.

  • The battery icons have been slightly tweaked.

  • Adaptive notification container (experimental).

  • Ghost notifications bug fixed, or so I think...

You can report any bug in the preset on the "issues" section of this repository or in the original reddit post in the r/Kustom subreddit.

beta1.1 build 1243

25 Mar 02:31
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beta1.1 build 1243 Pre-release
  • Reduced clock and notification animation delay

  • Animation improvements

  • Option to show and hide battery percentage

  • Option to toggle small media controller

  • other minor bugs fixed

beta1 build 1233

21 Mar 09:49
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beta1 build 1233 Pre-release

This is an initial release of Malsp