Releases: briankrd/Malsp-KUSTOM
beta3 build 3199
Always remember that this is a pre-release and therefore won't be perfect.
Added "On-Screen Settings" feature (Experimental).
Fixed the bug that when trying to open a notification it would show the android lock screen without opening the notification.
Album art color on Large media control buttons.
Some fixes and tweaks to the "Pixel Experience" and "One UI" layouts.
Wave animation when connecting a charger.
Bounce animation when touching the screen (Like Android).
"Pixel Experience" is now the default layout.
New small media control (now the button works).
Configurable animated progress bar for Large media control (Experimental).
Animations on the Play/Pause button of the large media control.
Fixed bug that caused the status bar icons to overlap the battery percentage when hiding the icon.
Notifications are now displayed in order.
Some screen adaptation bugs have been fixed.
Customization options for the navigation bar.
New animation when showing and hiding the navigation bar (the best feature of all, no one can say otherwise).
Simulation of the Android Monet engine thanks to MonetPS (Experimental).
Fixed some bugs in the notification container.
Added a color source selector to enhance the contrast of interface text when needed.
Dynamic Bluetooth icon in the status bar.
You can report any bug in the preset on the "issues" section of this repository or in the original reddit post in the r/Kustom subreddit.
beta2 build 2047
Always remember that this is a pre-release and therefore won't be perfect.
Android 13 DP2 media control.
Network icons (for now unified) and sound icons in the status bar.
User interface layouts (experimental).
Change of animation method in the media control and small clock: basically with what I am dedicating to the preset I have learned a lot of the code that Kustom handles and I already know how to animate and do several actions in a single element without having to clone it for each thing, which improves performance and eliminates visual artifacts (yes, I'm a noob but I'm learning 👍).
The three types of interface fonts are now customizable (regular, medium, light).
It will now be possible to customize the font of the hour and minute separately on the large clock..
The font of the small clock can now be independently customized.
Reduced notifications is now a fully functional feature.
The battery icons have been slightly tweaked.
Adaptive notification container (experimental).
Ghost notifications bug fixed, or so I think...
You can report any bug in the preset on the "issues" section of this repository or in the original reddit post in the r/Kustom subreddit.
beta1.1 build 1243
Reduced clock and notification animation delay
Animation improvements
Option to show and hide battery percentage
Option to toggle small media controller
other minor bugs fixed
beta1 build 1233
This is an initial release of Malsp