This App runs vistasoft/dtiInit which is a dwi preprocessing software that can run eddy/motion correction and coregister to t1 anatomy. This preprocessing is necessary for various DWI processing such as tensor fittings and stream tracking. dtiInit products various other files stored in a standard directory stuctures used by some vistasoft applications; mrDiffusion, AFQ, mrTrix, LiFE, etc. Other Apps may juse use the dwi output from this App.
Configurations and input parameters were explained within Brainlife App execution page. More detailed explanations of those parameters were explained here
Best parameters for the HCP datasets
- eddyCorrect = (-1) no eddy current or motion correction
- rotateBvecsWithCanXform = false
- rotateBvecsWithRx = false
- Lindsey Kitchell (
- Soichi Hayashi (
- Franco Pestilli (
You can submit this App online at via the "Execute" tab.
- git clone this repo.
- Inside the cloned directory, create
with something like the following content with paths to your input files.
"phaseEncodeDir": "2",
"resolution": "default",
"rotateBvecsWithCanXform": true,
"rotateBvecsWithRx": true,
"eddyCorrect": "-1",
"dwi": "somewhere/dwi/dwi.nii.gz",
"bvecs": "somewhere/dwi/dwi.bvecs",
"bvals": "somewhere/dwi/dwi.bvals",
"t1": "somewhere/anat/t1.nii.gz"
- Launch the App by executing
If you don't have your own input files, you can download sample datasets from, or you can use Brainlife CLI.
npm install -g brainlife
bl login
mkdir input
bl dataset download 5a050a00eec2b300611abff3 && mv 5a050a00eec2b300611abff3 dwi
bl dataset download 5a050966eec2b300611abff2 && mv 5a050966eec2b300611abff2 anat
dtiInit output files are explained here. This App also outputs a copy of the aligned dwi files.
product.json will contains the same information stored in dtiinit.mat
"adcUnits": null,
"params": {
"nBootSamps": 500,
"buildDate": "2018-10-02 22:47",
"buildId": "hayashis on Matlab R2017a (GLNXA64)",
"rawDataDir": ".",
"rawDataFile": "dwi_aligned_trilin_noMEC.nii",
"subDir": ""
"files": {
"b0": "dti\/bin\/b0.nii.gz",
"brainMask": "dti\/bin\/brainMask.nii.gz",
"wmMask": "dti\/bin\/wmMask.nii.gz",
"wmProb": "dti\/bin\/wmProb.nii.gz",
"tensors": "dti\/bin\/tensors.nii.gz",
"vecRgb": "dti\/bin\/vectorRGB.nii.gz",
"faStd": "dti\/bin\/faStd.nii.gz",
"mdStd": "dti\/bin\/mdStd.nii.gz",
"pddDisp": "dti\/bin\/pddDispersion.nii.gz",
"t1": "\/5bb3ecea8b415c002a21b08e\/5a050966eec2b300611abff2\/t1.nii.gz",
"alignedDwRaw": ".\/dwi_aligned_trilin_noMEC.nii.gz",
"alignedDwBvecs": ".\/dwi_aligned_trilin_noMEC.bvecs",
"alignedDwBvals": ".\/dwi_aligned_trilin_noMEC.bvals"
This App only requires singularity to run. If you don't have singularity, you will need to install following dependencies.