This is an attempt to add wrappers to the code provided by EzSBC in /~ by adding required functions and renaming some subroutines. These were modelled on the esphome ads1115 and ina219 components
captured with mosquitto_sub -F "%I %t %p" -v -t ezmin/debug
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:119]: LC709203F:
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:120]: Address: 0x0B
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:126]: Update Interval: 30.0s
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:128]: Cell Voltage 'ezmin battery V'
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:128]: Unit of Measurement: 'V'
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:128]: Accuracy Decimals: 2
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:129]: Cell Rem Pct 'ezmin battery lvl'
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:129]: Unit of Measurement: '%'
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:129]: Accuracy Decimals: 1
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:130]: Cell StateCharge 'ezmin cell charge'
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:130]: Unit of Measurement: '%'
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:130]: Accuracy Decimals: 0
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:131]: IC version 'ezmin ic'
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:131]: Unit of Measurement: ''
2021-04-04T11:38:24-0400 ezmin/debug [C][lc709203f.sensor:131]: Accuracy Decimals: 0
2021-04-04T11:38:42-0400 ezmin/debug [D][lc709203f.sensor:092]: Got Battery values: cellVoltage_mV=4149 cellRemainingPercent10=964 cellStateOfCharge=96 ic=0x2717
2021-04-04T11:38:42-0400 ezmin/debug [D][sensor:092]: 'ezmin battery V': Sending state 4.14900 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
2021-04-04T11:38:42-0400 ezmin/debug [D][sensor:092]: 'ezmin battery lvl': Sending state 96.40000 % with 1 decimals of accuracy
2021-04-04T11:38:42-0400 ezmin/debug [D][sensor:092]: 'ezmin ic': Sending state 10007.00000 with 0 decimals of accuracy
2021-04-04T11:38:42-0400 ezmin/debug [D][sensor:092]: 'ezmin cell charge': Sending state 96.00000 % with 0 decimals of accuracy
2021-04-04T11:39:23-0400 ezmin/debug [I][deep_sleep:067]: Beginning Deep Sleep
works to retreive these 4 values. I have hard coded my battery config in setup routine
- revised [ESPHOME]/custom_components/lc709203f/lc709203f.h
- revised [ESPHOME]/custom_components/lc709203f/lc709203f.cpp
- revised [ESPHOME]/custom_components/lc709203f/
- platform: gpio
number: GPIO16
inverted: true
name: "${devicename} ledr"
id: ${devicename}_ledr
- platform: gpio
number: GPIO17
inverted: true
name: "${devicename} ledb"
id: ${devicename}_ledb
- platform: gpio
number: GPIO18
inverted: true
name: "${devicename} ledg"
id: ${devicename}_ledg
- platform: lc709203f
address: "0x0B"
i2c_id: bus_a
name: "${devicename} battery V"
name: "${devicename} battery lvl"
name: "${devicename} ic"
name: "${devicename} cell charge"
update_interval: 30s
- accept config for setPowerMode, setCellCapacity, setCellProfile ( to replace hard coded setup )
- accept value for lc709203f_current_direction_t mentioned at : /~
- TODO low priority because no resource/application for me---------------------
- capture values for getThermistorBeta, getCellTemperature
- accept config for setThermistorB, setTemperatureMode, setAlarmRSOC, setAlarmVoltage