The project consists on building an app in two stages to allow users to discover the most popular movies playing, working with a API.
This is the Stage 1 of the app.
The app uses API to get movie information. You must provide your own API key in order to build the app.
Just put your API key into Gradle Scripts/
, under the format:
MovieApiKey="YOUR_API_KEY here"
- Picasso
- Butter Knife
- Parceler
The core information to build this app has been found in the Android Developer Nanodegree from Udacity but many resources have been consulted to better understand concepts and code. Some of the main resources are the following:
- [Curso de Android sgolivernet] (/~
- [Material Design Icons for Drawable folder] (/~
- [ewintory user in Github] (/~
- [GurpreetSK95 user in Github] (/~
- [Nimisha88 user in Github] (/~
- [egek92 user in Github] (/~
- [vipulasri user in Github] (/~
- [Android Developer Fundamentals Course] (
- Forum, mentors and Slack channels for the Android Developer Nanodegree Scholarship by Udacity and Google