This application is made during the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2014. It can be used to gather information following a certain template. These templates are stored on a server. The observations can be shown on a map, saved locally and uploaded to the server again.
The app is designed for android and currently only for a Nexus 4 (768 x 1280 pixels).
The (technical) documentation can be found in the wiki.
This project has three blogposts:
- Startup of GSoC:
- Mid-term of GSoC:
- End of GSoC:
The app needs a server to provide the templates an other data. The server code can be foud here: /~
There is a screencast of the app on youtube:
This application is coded in C++ with QT. QT can be downloaded from and information how to set it up for android can be found at Open the file with QT creator to start working.
This code is published under the General Public Licence Version 2. It makes use of the following QT classes which fall under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1:
- QFile
- QObject
- QDirIterator
- QTextStream
- QDebug
- QNetworkReply
- QQuickView
- QQmlListProperty
- QList
- QImage
- QXmlStreamReader
- QtQuick/QQuickView
- QApplication
- QtQml
- QQmlComponent
- QQmlContext
- QtQml/QQmlApplicationEngine
And QML:
- QtQuick 2.2
- QtQuick.Controls 1.1
- QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1
- QtPositioning 5.2
- QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
- QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
For details see the LICENSE file.