Google Cloud support for terraspace.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'terraspace_plugin_google'
Optionally configure the plugin. Here's an example google.rb
for your terraspace project.
TerraspacePluginGoogle.configure do |config|
config.auto_create = true # set to false to completely disable auto creation
config.gcs.versioning = true
By default:
- GCS Buckets have versioning enabled.
The settings generally only apply if the gcs bucket does not yet exist yet and is created for the first time.
To confirm that the GCS bucket has versioning enabled:
$ gsutil versioning get gs://my-bucket
gs://my-bucket: Enabled
Here's also how you list multiple versions of an object.
$ gsutil ls gs://my-bucket
$ echo hello1 > hello.txt
$ gsutil cp hello.txt gs://my-bucket/hello.txt
$ echo hello2 > hello.txt
$ gsutil cp hello.txt gs://my-bucket/hello.txt
$ gsutil ls gs://my-bucket/hello.txt
$ gsutil ls -a gs://my-bucket/hello.txt
$ gsutil cp gs://my-bucket/hello.txt#1590950916098856 hello1.txt
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