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small Service to create and receive Icinga2 Certificates via REST


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The Icinga-Cert-Service is a small service for creating, downloading or signing an Icinga2 certificate. The service can be used to connect Icinga2 satellites or agents dynamically to an Icinga2 master.

The Cert service is implemented in ruby and offers a simple REST API.


Build Status Dependency Status

I will not continue to develop this project in the foreseeable future and will therefore archive it.

For me it has fulfilled its intended purpose.


To start them run ruby bin/rest-service.rb

The following environment variables can be set:

  • ICINGA2_MASTER (default: nil)
  • ICINGA2_API_PORT (default: 5665)
  • ICINGA2_API_USER (default: root)
  • ICINGA2_API_PASSWORD (default: icinga)
  • REST_SERVICE_PORT (default: 8080)
  • REST_SERVICE_BIND (default:
  • BASIC_AUTH_USER (default: admin)
  • BASIC_AUTH_PASS (default: admin)

The REST-service uses an basic-authentication for the first security step. The second Step is an configured API user into the Icinga2-Master. The API user credentials must be set as HTTP-Header vars (see the examples below).

To overwrite the default configuration for the REST-Service, put a icinga2-cert-service.yaml into /etc :

  server: master-server
    port: 5665
    user: root
    password: icinga

  port: 8080

  user: ba-user
  password: v2rys3cr3t

Who to used it

With Icinga2 Version 2.8, we can use the new PKI-Proxy Mode

You can use expect on a satellite or agent to create an certificate request with the icinga2 node wizard. (A complete expect example can be found below)

expect /init/node-wizard.expect

After this, you can use the cert-service to sign this request:

curl \
  --silent \
  --request GET \
  --write-out "%{http_code}\n" \
  --output /tmp/sign_${HOSTNAME}.json \

Otherwise, the pre 2.8 Mode works well

To create a certificate:

curl \
  --request GET \
  --silent \
  --output /tmp/request_${HOSTNAME}.json \

this creates an output file, that we use to download the certificate.

Download the created certificate:

checksum=$(jq --raw-output .checksum /tmp/request_${HOSTNAME}.json)
master_name=$(jq --raw-output .master_name /tmp/request_${HOSTNAME}.json)

curl \
  --request GET \
  --silent \
  --header "X-CHECKSUM: ${checksum}" \
  --output ${WORK_DIR}/pki/${HOSTNAME}/${HOSTNAME}.tgz \

Create the Satellite Endpoint

cat << EOF > /etc/icinga2/zones.conf

/* the following line specifies that the client connects to the master and not vice versa */
object Endpoint "${master_name}" { host = "${ICINGA_MASTER}"; port = "5665" }
object Zone "master" { endpoints = [ "${master_name}" ] }

object Endpoint NodeName {}
object Zone ZoneName { endpoints = [ NodeName ] ; parent = "master" }

object Zone "global-templates" { global = true }
object Zone "director-global" { global = true }



The generated certificate has an timeout from 10 minutes between beginning of creation and download.


following API Calls are implemented:

Health Check

The Health Check is important to determine whether the certificate service has started.

curl \
  --request GET \
  --silent \

The health check returns only a string with healthy as content.

Icinga Version

Returns the Icinga Version

curl \
  --request GET \
  --silent \

The icinga version call returns only a string with the shortend version as content: 2.8

create a certificate request

Create an Certificate request

curl \
  --request GET \
  --header "X-API-USER: cert-service" \
  --header "X-API-KEY: knockknock" \
  --output /tmp/request_${HOSTNAME}.json \

download an certificate

After an certificate request, you can download the created certificate:

checksum=$(jq --raw-output .checksum /tmp/request_${HOSTNAME}.json)

curl \
  --request GET \
  --header "X-API-USER: cert-service" \
  --header "X-API-KEY: knockknock" \
  --header "X-CHECKSUM: ${checksum}" \
  --output /tmp/cert_${HOSTNAME}.tgz \

validate the satellite CA

If the CA has been renewed on the master, all satellites or agents will no longer be able to connect to the master. To be able to detect this possibility, you can create a checksum of the ca.crt file and have it checked by the certificats service.

The following algorithms are supported to create a checksum:

  • md5
  • sha256
  • sha384
  • sha512
checksum=$(sha256sum ${ICINGA_CERT_DIR}/ca.crt | cut -f 1 -d ' ')

curl \
  --request GET \

sign a certificate request

Version 2.8 of Icinga2 came with a CA proxy. Here you can use the well-known node wizard to create a certificate request on a satellite or agent. This certificate only has to be confirmed at the Icinga2 Master.

The certificate files are then replicated to the respective applicant.

With the following API call you can confirm the certificate without being logged on to the master.

curl \
  --request POST \
  --header "X-API-USER: cert-service" \
  --header "X-API-KEY: knockknock" \

download an generic script for combine the latest 3 steps

For an own service, you can download an generic script, thats compine the lates 3 steps.

curl \
./ --help

Download a script to handle icinga2 certificates

 Version 0.8.0 (05.02.2018)

Usage:    icinga2_certificates [-h] [-v] ...
          -h                             : Show this help
          -v                             : Prints out the Version
          --ba-user                      : Basic Auth User for the certificate Service. Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable BA_USER
          --ba-password                  : Basic AUth Password for the certificate Service. Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable BA_PASSWORD
          --api-user                     : Icinga2 API User. Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable API_USER
          --api-password                 : Icinga2 API Password. Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable API_PASSWORD
          -I|--icinga2-master            : the Icinga2 Master himself. Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable ICINGA2_MASTER
          -P|--icinga2-port              : the Icinga2 API Port (default: 5665). Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable ICINGA2_API_PORT
          -c|--certificate-server        : the certificate server. Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable CERTIFICATE_SERVER
          -p|--certifiacte-port          : the port for the certificate service (default: 8080). Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable CERTIFICATE_PORT
          -a|--certifiacte-path          : the url path for the certifiacte service (default: /). Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable CERTIFICATE_PATH
          -d|--destination               : the local destination directory for storing certificate files (default: .) Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable DESTINATION_DIR
          -r|--retry                     : how often are the backendservices attempted to reach you. Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable RETRY
          -s|--sleep-for-restart         : seconds before the Icinga2 Master is restarted. Also set as ENVIRONMENT variable SLEEP_FOR_RESTART
                                           this is needed to activate the certificate and the generated configuration

 --icinga2-master localhost --api-user root --api-password icinga --certificate-server localhost

The node wizard can also be automated (via expect):

cat << EOF >> ~/node-wizard.expect


# exp_internal 1

log_user 1
set timeout 3

spawn icinga2 node wizard

expect -re "Please specify if this is a satellite/client setup" {
  send -- "y\r"
expect -re "Please specify the common name " {
  send -- "[exec hostname -f]\r"
expect -re "Master/Satellite Common Name" {
 send -- "$env(ICINGA_MASTER)\r"
expect -re "Do you want to establish a connection to the parent node" {
  send -- "y\r"
expect -re "endpoint host" {
  send -- "$env(ICINGA_MASTER)\r"
expect -re "endpoint port" {
  send -- "5665\r"
expect -re "Add more master/satellite endpoints" {
  send -- "n\r"
expect -re "Is this information correct" {
  send -- "y\r"
expect -re "Please specify the request ticket generated on your Icinga 2 master" {
  send -- "\r"
expect -re "Bind Host" {
  send -- "\r"
expect -re "Bind Port" {
  send -- "\r"
expect -re "config from parent node" {
  send -- "y\r"
expect -re "commands from parent node" {
  send -- "y\r"



expect ~/node-wizard.expect 1> /dev/null


small Service to create and receive Icinga2 Certificates via REST








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