A custom-elements-manifest plugin that generates a docsify site for your element
yarn add cem-plugin-docsify
// custom-elements-manifest.config.mjs
import docsify from 'cem-plugin-docsify';
export default {
plugins: [
docsify({ name: 'MyGreatCustomElement' }),
The plugin comes with several built in configuration options
// custom-elements-manifest.config.mjs
// required
// name of your docs page. This will appear at the top right
// of your docs sidebar
name: 'MyGreatCustomElement',
// optional. Default: ''
// repo URL. If included a link to your repository will appear
// in the top right of the docs site
repoURL: '/~https://github.com/bmpickford/cem-plugin-docsify',
// optional. Default: docs/
// path to output doc files
out: './docs',
// optional. Default: false
// if marked as true, will include an Examples link in
// the sidebar, that will have an iframe that links
// to './docs/storybook'. If you include this option it
// is expected that there will be a built storybook docs
// site in the docs folder
includeStorybook: false,
// optional. Default: 3000
// docsify doesn't give many options for customizing embedded content
// so the height needs to be static. Set to 3000 as a default but
// this is here to modify if needed
storybookHeight: 3000,
As seen in the demo, you can include your storybooks docs as an iFrame to easily provide tangible examples. To do this, you
will need to build your storybook docs (e.g. build-storybook --docs
) and set the output to docs/storybook
or alternatively manually copy it across.
Then apply this configuration to the plugin:
// custom-elements-manifest.config.mjs
name: 'MyGreatCustomElementWithStorybookDocs',
includeStorybook: true,
It is also recommended to remove any navigation and panels from the storybook docs for a better user experience. This can be configured in .storybook/manager.js
For the demo, this was the configuration used:
// .storybook/manager.js
import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';
showNav: false,
showPanel: false,
isFullscreen: true,
yarn install
This will generate the docs for the example element found in fixtures/default/sourcecode/default.js
yarn start
yarn run test
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Copyright © 2021 Benjamin Pickford.
This project is MIT licensed.