Simply manage your docker images and containers.
$ mkdir simply-docker
$ cd simply-docker
$ git clone .
$ sudo ./install
[2017-02-20 00:41:09] [INFO‧‧‧] ┏━ Try to install the given script
┃ /home/user/simply-docker/bin/image to
┗━ /usr/local/bin/sd-image.
[2017-02-20 00:41:09] [SUCCESS] ┏━ The given script
┃ /home/user/simply-docker/bin/image
┗━ was successfully installed to
[2017-02-20 00:41:09] [INFO‧‧‧] ┏━ Try to install the given script
┃ /home/user/simply-docker/bin/container to
┗━ /usr/local/bin/sd-container.
[2017-02-20 00:41:09] [SUCCESS] ┏━ The given script
┃ /home/user/simply-docker/bin/container
┗━ was successfully installed to
user$ mkdir docker
user$ cd docker
user$ mkdir containers
user$ sd-container create ubuntu --image=ubuntu:latest
[2017-02-20 00:51:33] [INFO‧‧‧] No local image "ubuntu:latest" found.
[2017-02-20 00:51:35] [INFO‧‧‧] Remote image "ubuntu" found.
[2017-02-20 00:51:37] [INFO‧‧‧] Remote image "ubuntu" and remote "latest" found.
[2017-02-20 00:51:37] [INFO‧‧‧] Container "ubuntu" was successfully created
user$ sd-container status ubuntu
user$ sd-container start ubuntu
[2017-02-20 00:59:38] [INFO‧‧‧] Start docker container "ubuntu".
[2017-02-20 00:59:39] [SUCCESS] Container "ubuntu" was successfully started.
user$ sd-container status ubuntu
user$ sd-container login ubuntu
root@54034bd5f559:/# exit
user$ sd-container remove ubuntu
[2017-02-20 01:00:58] [SUCCESS] Docker container "ubuntu" was successfully removed.$
user$ sd-container stop ixno.apache.php7
[2018-08-13 08:23:00] [SUCCESS] Container "ixno.apache.php7" was successfully stopped.
user$ sd-container remove ixno.apache.php7
[2018-08-13 08:25:43] [SUCCESS] Docker container "ixno.apache.php7" was successfully removed.
user$ sd-image ixno.apache.php7 remove
[2018-08-13 08:26:17] [SUCCESS] Docker image "ixno.apache.php7" was successfully removed.
user$ sd-image ixno.apache.php7 build
user$ sd-container start ixno.apache.php7
[2018-08-13 08:30:10] [INFO‧‧‧] Start docker container "ixno.apache.php7".
[2018-08-13 08:30:11] [INFO‧‧‧] activate http ..
[2018-08-13 08:30:11] [INFO‧‧‧] done
[2018-08-13 08:30:11] [INFO‧‧‧] start apache ..
[2018-08-13 08:30:12] [INFO‧‧‧] done
[2018-08-13 08:30:12] [INFO‧‧‧] start postfix ..
[2018-08-13 08:30:13] [INFO‧‧‧] done
[2018-08-13 08:30:13] [SUCCESS] Container "ixno.apache.php7" was successfully started.
- Björn Hempel - Initial work - /~
This tutorial is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Have fun! :)