Simple Python script to change precipitations depiction on Zibo cockpit windshield
- The plugins changes values of some rain related datarefs to solve the issue of the uneffective wipers on the Zibo B737-800 Modified. It's been tested up to 200kt and the wipers mantain their effectiveness
- Also changes rain depiction to be a bit more realistic
- MacOS 10.14, Windows 7 and Linux kernel 4.0 and above
- X-Plane 12.08 and above (not tested with previous versions, may work)
- pbuckner's XPPython3 plugin
- Zibo B737-800 Modified for X-Plane 12 ver.4.0.rc6.4 and above (did not test with previous versions, should work)
You need to download correct XPPython3 version according to your Python3 installed version! Read instructions on the website
Just copy or move the file to the folder: