This project is deprecated and has been replaced by its successor /~ and is kept here as an archive. Please do not use rofl-core for new projects any more.
-- 24.02.2016 --
The Revised OpenFlow Library (ROFL) helps you adding OpenFlow support to your software to build control applications, controller frameworks and/or datapath elements.
This is a meta-repository that contains all the ROFL libraries. Refer to each library for more details on how to build and install.
To compile the libraries initialize all submodules like:
git submodule update --init --recursive
And for each of them proceed according to their README to install them.
For getting support or participate in the discussions, join the mailing list at
(c) Copyright BISDN GmbH 2013
Andreas Koepsel<andreas.koepsel (at)>
Marc Sune<marc.sune (at)>
Victor Alvarez<victor.alvarez (at)>
Tobias Jungel<tobias.jungel (at)>
And others.