Team PARK Repo for MAEG5755 Robotics Project Pretty, Alice, Rui, Kenson
- Dexnet 4.0 bin picking demo with Baxter
- Refresh Baxter! (ROS Noetic, baxter_interface, realsense2, Moveit)
- Documenting how to run a baxter in 2021
Wiki is more comprehensive and up-to-date for various topics.
Especically the FAQ
mkdir -p $HOME/5755_ws/src
cd $HOME/5755_ws/src
git clone --recursive /~
git clone --recursive /~
git clone --recursive /~ team-park
cd $HOME/5755_ws/
cp src/learning_ros_external_pkgs_noetic/baxter/ .
cd $HOME/5755_ws/src/team-park/dependencies/ && bash
cat $HOME/5755_ws/src/team-park/dependencies/shortcuts_alias.txt >> ~/.bashrc
Real environment you need to also install librealsense.
cd $HOME/5755_ws/src/team-park
git pull
git submodule update
cd $HOME/5755_ws/
Successful compile gives 100% built messages.. Example:
[100%] Built target command_bundler
If there there is an error you can't escape, delete the devel folder and build folder then catkin_make again.
rm -rf $HOME/5755_ws/devel
rm -rf $HOME/5755_ws/build
cd $HOME/5755_ws && catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="" -j1
- Not recommend to use anymore. We should manually handle the environment variables.
- In simulation mode, make sure your ~/.bashrc DO export ROS_IP and export ROS_MASTER_URI (pointing to localhost, i.e.
export ROS_IP=
- You can verify your environment variable by
echo $ROS_IP
in terminal
Terminal 1: Just an empty world
sw && roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch
Terminal 2: Spawn baxter with realsense
sw && roslaunch park_gazebo baxter_on_pedestal_w_realsense.launch
Terminal 3: Moveit planning
roslaunch baxter_moveit_tutorial moveit_init.launch
Terminal 4: Rviz
baxter_home && sw && rviz -d src/team-park/park_simulation/park_gazebo/park.rviz
Terminal 5: Enable and unstuck the robot
rosrun baxter_tools -e
rosrun baxter_tools -u
- Not recommend to use anymore. We should manually handle the environment variables.
- In real environment mode, make sure your ~/.bashrc DO export ROS_IP and export ROS_MASTER_URI
- In this case IP address is and the baxter hostname is 011508P0007.local. Check out the wiki for hostname resolving
export ROS_IP=
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://011508P0007.local:11311
- You can verify your environment variable by
echo $ROS_IP
in terminal
Terminal 1: Realsense node
sw && roslaunch park_demo camera.launch
Terminal 2: Moveit planning
sw && roslaunch baxter_moveit_tutorial moveit_init.launch
Terminal 3: Rviz
baxter_home && sw && rviz -d src/team-park/park_demo/park_demo/park.rviz
Terminal 4: Enable the robot
rosrun baxter_tools -e
Terminal 5: Publishing transform for realsense camera and world frame (No need for simulation, and after hand eye calibration only)
baxter_home && sw roslaunch park_demo tf_handeye.launch
here simply launch a generated launch file obtained from hand-eye calibration process. See wiki
Terminal 6: Add a table and spawn some blocks
baxter_home && sw
roslaunch park_gazebo add_table.launch
roslaunch park_gazebo add_wood_blocks.launch
Terminal 7: Execute
baxter_home && sw
python3.6 src/team_park/park_demo/park_demo/scripts/
In rviz you can plan your path under motion planning tab even with scene planner. Be aware of surroundings when executing trajectory.
- Get pycharm IDE here
- community version is more than sufficient
- There is a collection of python launcher scripts managing the roslaunch process.
- See park_demo/park_demo/scripts/launcher
- Make sure you source the workspace before opening pycharm in terminal and having the roscore running somewhere else