The high-throughput barcoding technology, which tags reads that originate from a single DNA molecule, has been the foundation for generatingSynthetic Long Reads (SLR). The accuracy of short-read data combined with the long-range information encoded in the read clouds make protocols like 10X GemCode or TELL-Seq the preferred solutions for haplotype genome phasing, and structural variant calling. Read clouds technologies also bring new hope to completely solve the long-standing genome and metagenome assembly problems, at least for simple genome.
We have developed TuringAssembler, the read-cloud assembler which can use only one read-cloud data to produce high-quality assembly for a bacterial genome.
Using a TELL-Seq dataset of the model organism E.coliK12 MG1655, TuringAssembler assembled a gapless assembly with NGA50 4632444, mis-match rate 5.65/100kbp, and indel rate 0.47/100kbp
TuringAssembler is a program developed by BioTuring for doing genome assembly with read-cloud technology
Please contact if you need further support.
TuringAssembler - A genome assembler for read-cloud technology
Version: 0.9-2dec66178be6ed266db4fd4163ac97bda29405c3
assembly3 [options] -1 read_1.fq -2 read_2.fq -l ust/bioturing/sorted
local_assembly [options] -i graph.bin -1 R1_sorted.fq -2 R2_sorted.fq -l sorted -lk 31 -lc scaffold.full.fasta
Required parameters:
-1 Forward reads. e.g: R1.fq or R1_lane1.fq R1_lane2.fq ...
-2 Reverse reads. e.g: R2.fq or R2_lane1.fq R2_lane2.fq ...
-l Type of reads library:
bioturing: has BX:Z:<barcode> in the comment of the read names
sorted : Sorted reads produced by TuringAssembler. Must be accompanied with -I barcode.idx
ust : reads are generated by TELL-Seq protocols. Must be accompanied with -I I1.fq (I1_lane1.fq I1_lane2.fq)
Optional parameters:
-t Number of threads [4]
-k0 Kmer size for global assembly process [45]
-lk Kmer size for local assembly [31]
-lc Output file after local assembly step [scaffold.full.fasta]
-metagenomics Doing assembly for metagenomics dataset [no]
-o Output directory [./]
-i Input graph binary file. Only use for sub-processes [./graph_k_xx_level_x.bin]
-sm Maximum memory size for read sorting (GB) [32]
-v Verbose mode. Print log trace and log debug [no]
- Hao Tran
- Huu Che (
- Tan Phan (
- Thang Tran
- Son Pham (