Releases: bill-chamal/ProjectGreen
ProjectGreen v1.20 AI
🚀 Pre-release executable release of ProjectGreen.apk
📲 Download it to your mobile phone, allow app installations from unauthorised sources outside of Google Play Store.
The app is runnable from Android Oreo 8.0.
⭐Whats changed:
- User bonus given only until the progress bar is full is now refined, prepared in the firestore database and fixed on the app.
- Implemented safequards to ensure correct user material approval request inputs
- Major navigation changes for a friendlier, more fluid user experience. Admin and User accounts respectively are now mapped with the user statistics and requests list screens being their "homescreens". Pressing the back button will lead to these homescreens from every other screen inside the app.
- Expanding AI capabilities: Gemini will now encourage the user to keep recycling, uniquely and playfully for each user!
- Cashback breakdown now provides more info about the user's bonus. balance.
- Made finalizing cosmetic and expression changes
ProjectGreen v1.19 AI
🚀 Pre-release executable release of ProjectGreen.apk
📲 Download it to your mobile phone, allow app installations from unauthorised sources outside of Google Play Store.
The app is runnable from Android Oreo 8.0.
⭐Whats changed:
- Google AI has come to boost the game
- Gemini now encourages user to recycle, every message is personalized
- Gemini does Data analysis and thinks for the future
- Some UI changes
- The app is now more synchronized
- Live time update
- Check of email and password requirements
📛 Drawback:
- Gemini requires API Level 28 and higher
- Gemini is not free in EU
⚖️ Due to GDPR law of the European Union, we would like to inform you, any account you create or any action you perform may be saved into Google's Firebase Services. Because of that, it would be better to use non personal related information. You can always request you data under the law of the Rights of the Subject. We do not guarantee any integrity or confidentiality of your personal data.
ProjectGreen v1.16 AI
🚀 Pre-release executable release of ProjectGreen.apk
📲 Download it to your mobile phone, allow app installations from unauthorised sources outside of Google Play Store.
The app is runnable from Android Oreo 8.0.
⭐Whats changed:
- Google AI has come to boost the game
- Gemini now encourages user to recycle, every message is personalized
- Gemini does Data analysis and thinks for the future
📛 Drawback:
- Gemini requires API Level 28 and higher
- Gemini is not free in EU
⚖️ Due to GDPR law of the European Union, we would like to inform you, any account you create or any action you perform may be saved into Google's Firebase Services. Because of that, it would be better to use non personal related information. You can always request you data under the law of the Rights of the Subject. We do not guarantee any integrity or confidentiality of your personal data.
Full Changelog: 1.12...1.16
ProjectGreen v1.12 pre-release
🚀 Pre-release executable release of ProjectGreen.apk
📲 Download it to your mobile phone, allow app installations from unauthorised sources outside of Google Play Store.
The app is runnable from Android Oreo 8.0.
⭐Whats changed:
- Cosmetic changes
- List card resized
- Timestamp is now fully viewd with wrap_content
⚖️ Due to GDPR law of the European Union, we would like to inform you, any account you create or any action you perform may be saved into Google's Firebase Services. Because of that, it would be better to use non personal related information. You can always request you data under the law of the Rights of the Subject. We do not guarantee any integrity or confidentiality of your personal data.
1.10 ProjectGreen-release-unsigned
🚀 Third executable release of ProjectGreen.apk
📲 Download it to your mobile phone, allow app installations from unauthorised sources outside of Google Play Store.
The app is runnable from Android Oreo 8.0.
⭐Whats changed:
- Bug fixes
- Cosmetic changes
- Various adjustments to better implement our user progression vision
- Chart additions in admin statistics screen.
⚖️ Due to GDPR law of the European Union, we would like to inform you, any account you create or any action you perform may be saved into Google's Firebase Services. Because of that, it would be better to use non personal related information. You can always request you data under the law of the Rights of the Subject. We do not guarantee any integrity or confidentiality of your personal data.
1.04 ProjectGreen-release-unsigned
🚀 Second executable release of ProjectGreen-release-unsigned.apk
📲 Download it to your mobile phone, allow install from unauthorised sources outside from Google's Play Store.
The app is runnable from Android Oreo 8.0.
⭐Whats changed:
- Minor type errors
- NonSerializable exception while running on background
⚖️ Due to GDPR law of the European Union, we would like to inform you, any account you create or any action you perform may be saved into Google's Firebase Services. Because of that, it would be better to use non personal related information. You can always request you data under the law of the Rights of the Subject. We do not guarantee any integrity or confidentiality of your personal data.
🚀 First stable executable release of ProjectGreen.apk
📲 Download it to your mobile phone, allow install from unauthorised sources outside from Google's Play Store.
The app is runnable from Android Oreo 8.0.
⚖️ Due to GDPR law of the European Union, we would like to inform you, any account you create or any action you perform may be saved into Google's Firebase Services. Because of that, it would be better to use non personal related information. You can always request you data under the law of the Rights of the Subject. We do not guarantee any integrity or confidentiality of your personal data.