A simple Web Service which wraps IMF Exchange Rate Web endpoint to download:
- Last 5 days exchange rates for major currencies
- Get exchange rates for all the published dates in a given month
REST URL Prefix - /api/v1/exchangeRate
- GET /lastFiveDays - to get the latest last five days exchange rates file from IMF website
- GET /monthly/[yyyy-mm-dd] - to get the given months exchange rates file from IMF website
A simple Web Service which keeps track of todo tasks.
REST URL Prefix - /api/v1/task
- GET /todo - to get all the todo tasks
- POST /todo - create a todo task where task details are passed in body, Sample body:
{"task":"task name", "is_pending": "Yes"}
- GET /todo/<tsk_id> - to get one todo task
- DELETE /todo/<tsk_id> - delete a todo task
- GET /health - to check the health of the service