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Patata is a project to help you to automatize native apps. It uses Cucumber and Appium as main technologies behind.

The goals of Patata are:

  • Be able to set up your automation project within minutes
  • Create a standard way to do things.
    • It is not possible to change the way it is structure. This avoid multiple discussions with you and your team.
    • Learning process is simple and quick. There are limited ways to do things.
    • It provides a scaffolding tool to create a detect problems before running tests.
  • Common language for any platform.
  • Easier to understand and avoiding "code" as much as it is possible to automate.

Start with your QA project easily

Install Patata-CLI

npm --install -g patata-cli

Create a new project:

patata init "My Project"
cd my-project
patata install

Create UI components:

# Using the content-description in an element in the UI for Android:
patata component "Login Button" "content-description" "login_button" --android

# Using the id in an element in the UI for iOS:
patata component "Login Button" "id" "loginButton" --ios

Create a new feature:

patata feature "My Nice Feature"

Fill the my-nice-feature.feature file using the Gherkin syntax

And fill the features on the JavaScript files doing references to the previous components:


this.Given('.......', function() {
  return this.emu


Run tests when you are ready

Run your tests on iOS or Android:

patata run "./bin/myApp.apk" --tags "@ci,@mybrand"
# or...
patata run "./bin/myApp.ipa"

Using HockeyApp

Save the HockeyApp token key using the terminal:

patata setting "HockeyApp.Token" "aaaabbbbccccdddd0000111122223333"

Run Patata using the provider and the name of the app. It will take the latest version found:

patata run "hockeyapp://?app=My App" --tags "@ci,@mybrand"

You can use a regular expression to match a property of a HockeyApp app version:

patata run "hockeyapp://?app=My App&filterName=notes&filterValue=/.*My Note.*/gi"

Filters are based on the attribute names from the HockeyApp API Versions documentation page.

Help from terminal

Usage: patata <command> [options]

  init       Create a new project
  install    Install all dependencies needed for the QA project
  feature    Create the needed files for a new feature
  component  Create a new component
  run        Run test based on a file, uri or HockeyApp.
  setting    Get or set a global settings on the ".patata.yml"

  --ios, --pi      Used on "component". Add component only for iOS.           [boolean]                                                                                                        [boolean]
  --android, --pa  Used on "component". Add component only for Android.       [boolean]                                                                                                           [boolean]
  --common, --pc   Used on "component". Add component for all platforms.      [boolean]                                                                                                           [boolean]
  --loglevel, -l   Set level of messages displayed on console.                [string] [choices: "verbose", "debug", "warning", "error"] [default: "debug"]
  --help, -h       Show this help                                             [boolean]                                                                                                               [boolean]

  patata init "My New QA Project"                                             Create a new project
  patata install                                                              Install all dependencies needed for QA project.
  patata feature "My Nice Feature"                                            Scaffolding: create the structure needed for a new feature
  patata component "Login Button" "content-description" "login_button" --ios  Create a new component for iOS
  patata run ./myapp.apk --tags "@ci"                                         Run test on Android with a APK file and tags.
  patata setting HockeyApp.Token "123456"                                     Set the HockeyApp token key to fetch apps

File system structure

+ components
  - ui.ios.yml
  - ui.ios.js
  - ui.common.yml
  - ui.common.js
+ config
  - config.yml
+ features
  + feature-a
    - feature-a.spec.feature
    - feature-a.ios.js
    - feature-a.common.js
  + feature-b
    - feature-b.spec.feature
    - feature-b.ios.js
    - feature-b.common.js
- .patata.yml


CLI for Patata







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  • JavaScript 97.7%
  • Gherkin 2.3%