Netflix Simple Clone - SwiftUI - macOS 13 Ventura - Realm - MVVM
YouTubeLink: Video Transition & App Launch animations with a prepared demo netflix video
- Sheet & Window Animations
- Custom Represented AV Player with auto resolution frame, backward - forward - volume control
- Custom toolbar & navigation
- AvKit, NSViewRepresentable, JSON Layer, Modifiers, Animations and more
- List Item layered animations
- Realm (Do not forget to change your own RealmSwift.App(id:) in ContentAPI file)
realmApp = RealmSwift.App(id: "your-realm-app-id")
Discover more bottom sheet and geometry animations - BowlShopSwiftUI
Learn more about Realm - MongoDB Channel - Realm SwiftUI
The content videos are randomly pulled from the demo videos shown on
git clone /~
GitHub CLI
gh repo clone barisozgenn/NetflixCloneSwiftUIMacOS