TODO: Overview
The Oyanami board is open-source. You can grab the Gerber files from the Releases page and send those to a fabricator of your choice.
Recommended settings:
- ENIG or Hard Gold finishing
- Beveled or chamfered edge connector
- 1942 (MSX2 version only)
- Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DOH
- Ashguine Story I
- Bubble Bobble
- Contra (MSX2; CRC32: 4e82660d)
- Cyborg Z
- Digital Devil Story
- Dragon Buster
- Dragon Quest 1 (both MSX1, MSX2 versions)
- Druid
- F1 Spirit
- Family Billiards
- Fantasy Zone 1
- Final Zone Wolf
- Ganbare Goemon
- Gangjeol Robocop
- Genesis - Dawn of a New Day
- Hai No Majutsushi
- Hinotori
- King Kong 2
- King's Valley 2 Edit Contest Edition
- King's Valley 2 (MSX2 only)
- Metal Gear (CRC32: e85c5731)
- Mr. Ninja Ashura's Chapter
- Nemesis (CRC32: 4dfcc009)
- Nemesis 2
- Parodius
- Pengo
- Penguin Adventure
- Pennant Race
- Return of Jelda
- Salamander
- Spy vs. Spy II (64kB Konami-mapper version)
- Seikima 2 Special - Tetsuji
- Street Master
- Super Bioman 4
- Super Boy 3
- Super Runner
- Tengoku Yoitoko - Heaven
- The Fairyland Story
- The Fantasm Soldier Valis
- The Maze of Galious: Knightmare 2
- Topple Zip MSX2
- Treasure of USAS (MSX2)
- Vampire Killer (MSX2)
- Wonsiin
- Young Sherlock: Legacy of Doyle
This is an incomplete list, please submit pull requests for any other games you have tested.
Position | Component | Digi-Key link | Comments |
U1 | SST39SF040 DIP EEPROM | ||
U3 | 74LS670 DIP | Do not use ALS, see below | |
U4 | 74LS02 DIP | ||
C... | 0.1µF through-hole ceramic capacitor | ||
RN1 | 10kΩ x 8 (9-pin SIP) resistor network | ||
SW1 | 2-pin DIP switch |
I also recommend getting a case for the PCB from somewhere like Retro Game Restore.
Beware! Using socketed ICs may not leave enough vertical height for a standard Konami-style cartridge case to close.
74ALS670 has been reported not to work with MSX Turbo-R systems. Please use only the LS variant.
- bsittler for the help and inspiration to get this figured out;
- Pax for CRC32s;
- Annual_Bottle_4639 on Reddit for testing additional games