Script creating backups of photos. Script create check sum of month's photo. If sum is changed create tar acrhive. After that create zip archive with password. Photo means file with following extension: BMP, bmp, JPG, JPEG, Jpg, jpg, NEF, nef, PNG, png, TIF and tif
Structure of photos directory shoud be:
- First dir level is year - year in format YYYY
- Sub dir in year is mounth - month in year in format YYYY.MM.DD SOME TEXT
Script uses ant and zip.
- Install Apache Ant:
$ sudo apt-get install ant
- Install zip:
$ sudo apt-get install zip
- Clone script:
$ git clone
Change file.
- src.dir - path to folder with photos directory.
- zip.password - password of zip file.
- split.size - split zip file size.
- years - list of years.
- date.separator - separator betwine year and mounth.
- target.tar.dir - target directory for tars file.
- - target directory for zips file.
- target.sum.dir - target directory for sums file.
- Run as ant script
$ cd ./photo-backup
$ ./ant
- Run as shell script
$ cd ./photo-backup
$ ./run