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The application is consist of two parts: Django serving the web content via Apache and mod_wsgi, and d3js is used for visualization of graph data. The database backend for django is Sqlite.

#Installation This will describe the installation on Ubuntu/Ubuntu Server. The site is configured to work with this steps. You can find detailed description of the config files here

###1. Install needed packages First of all, update the repository.

    sudo apt-get update

Next, we install the packages needed to build other packages.

    sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev

Now install Apache and other packages. We need the worker version from Apache([reason] (

    sudo apt-get install git sqlite3 apache2-mpm-worker libapache2-mod-wsgi

Next, we need some packages to the image processing. We will use Inkscape to convert the generated SVG to other formats.

    sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv libjpeg-dev git inkscape

And last, install the packages needed to build lxml.

    sudo apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

###2. Create the environment Because of security reasons we will run the site from a dedicated user home directory. Create the user, and set password for the account. The name of the user have to be 'hiertags' to the site function properly, however you can change to anything if you change the corresponding config files too.

    sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m hiertags
    sudo passwd hiertags

We need to add this user to the sudoers.

    sudo visudo

search the line '# User privilege specification', and add another line to look like this:

    # User privilege specification
    root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
    hiertags    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

CTRL+o to write out the changes and finally CTRL+x to exit. Finally login to the newly created user account.

    su - hiertags

###3. Set up the site Virtualenv allows us to separate python applications. This site will use its own environment.

#####Clone the repository and install the virtual environment Firts, we clone the repository to our working machine.

    git clone /~

Now, we install the virtualenv in the project dir.

    cd hiertags-dev
    virtualenv .

Then, we activate the virtual environment and install the required python packages in it. Pip can automatically install packages using the 'requirements.txt' file in the project directory.

    source bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

#####Create database and static files We have to create now the database for the django app. There will be some questions regarding the superuser, just fill in the appropriate information.

    python syncdb

With the provided information you can log in to the app admin interface(if it's enabled) once the site is running by writing 'admin' after the domain name(for example: There you can set user privileges and can edit or add/remove flatpages of the site(flatpages storing the html content of static pages). We should now add the flatpage contents to the just created(and empty) database:

    python loaddata conf/flatpages.json

Next, copy the static files(css, js) to the /static dir for Apache to serve.

    python collectstatic

Type 'yes' to copy the files. Now, we need to set the whole project dir owner to Apache or we can not use the admin site(apache will not be able to read/write the database):

    cd ..
    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data hiertags-dev/

And finally, change back to the project dir.

    cd hiertags-dev

#####Configure Apache The final task is to configure Apache properly. First, we copy the included virtual host file to the appropriate directory.

    sudo cp conf/ /etc/apache2/sites-available/

You should check now the file content(see Configuration Files) and edit the paths if you are not following the default installation. Next, we disable the default site, and enable hiertags.

    sudo a2dissite default
    sudo a2ensite

Enable mem-cache and headers mod, restart apache. We need mod-headers to force the example files to download instead of open in browser and mod_cache for cacheing.

    sudo a2enmod headers
    sudo a2enmod mem_cache
    sudo service apache2 restart

The site has to be functional now. If you have problems logging in to the admin site it usually means Apache can not read/write the database file which means permission problems are present.


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