The hardware design files for the MCH2022 event badge.
Detailed information can be found on our website at
Need the schematic? It's in this repository as a PDF file.
There are multiple processors on this board, the firmware flashed on to the board in the factory can be found in the following repositories:
- /~
- /~
This hardware design may be used under the terms of the CERN-OHL-P license.
The artwork featured in this hardware design has been designed by Nikolett S. from
The electronics have been designed by Renze Nicolai from Nicolai Electronics.
A special thanks to all who contributed by helping with the routing and by debugging the hardware design:
- Anne Jan Brouwer
- Kliment Yanev
- Kuristian
- Martin Ling
- Paul Honig
- Sylvain Munaut
- Tom Clement
- Fuchsia (f0x)
- Sander de Haan