A Simple, Reliable and Efficient Encryption Tool (for personal use)
Ordered by strength
- ✅ ChaCha20Poly1305
- ✅ Camellia-GCM
- ✅ Serpent-GCM
- ✅ Twofish-GCM
- ✅ Blowfish-EAX
- ✅ TripleDES-EAX
- Strong Password Generator
- Hashing Algorithms (
) - XOR Encryption for nerds
- System & Hardware Information (
- Main Menu
- Straight forward
- Supports the strongest encryption algorithms
- Save Encryptions to a local database (an SQLite3 database which you can export/import)
- Extra Utilities
git clone /~https://github.com/baderouaich/Enigma
cd Enigma
# on Linux, run linux_sysdeps.sh to install system libraries (X11, wayland..)
# bash linux_sysdeps.sh
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # or -G"Visual Studio 17 2022" to use the MSVC compiler
make install -j$(nproc) # or -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% on Windows
- All Enigma files will be installed to
(Linux) |C:\Program Files\Enigma\
(Windows) - To uninstall simply remove the installed
directory. Please make sure you export your encryptions from menuFile -> Export
before removing the directory.
If you face any problems feel free to open an issue at the issue tracker. If you feel the program is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github. Pull requests are also welcome.