wpadmin is a command line tool for administering Wordpress. It is very much still in development and more features will be added over the coming weeks. Please handle with extreme caution as the tool is not extensively tested in the wild.
Version: 0.0.1
Grab yourself a copy of wpadmin:
git clone /~https://github.com/88mph/wpadmin.git
Make wpadmin executable:
chmod u+x /path/to/wpadmin/wpadmin
Make your life easier:
ln -s /path/to/wpadmin/wpadmin /usr/local/bin/wpadmin OR add the folder that contains wpadmin to your PATH.
cd /path/to/wordpress/docroot/
Adding a new user:
$ wpadmin user add --username=steve --password=password --email=steve@example.com
Update a user role:
$ wpadmin user update --username=steve --role=editor
Updating the site title:
$ wpadmin option update --blogname="New Site Title"
Disable user commenting:
$ wpadmin option update --default_comment_status=closed
Users: list, add, delete and update user accounts inc. roles
Options: add, delete and update any key value pair in wp_options
Options: list
Posts & Pages: add, remove, publish and draft
Plugins: list, activate and deactivate plugins
WP Super cache: bust cache, update settings inc. cache expiry
We encourage you to contribute new features and patches to wpadmin, feel free to fork the project and send pull requests.
GNU General Public License
Developed by Jon Reeks jon@88mph.co & Kieran Masterton kieran@88mph.co at 88mph.co - http://88mph.co
Credit must go to the developers of drush the Drupal command line tool for inspiration and their shell wrapper we modified for use with wpadmin - http://drupal.org/project/drush
Thanks go to Sam Eaton for suggesting we start this project.