- web-client: Providing abstraction classes, interfaces and React HOC (Redux-connector) for manage models coming from AOP-like WebService.
- web-client-adk: First implementation of web-client for AOP with basic models from AOS.
- web-client-adk-module: Extension of web-client-adk.
- web-ui: Main application build in React
- web-ui/public_app: Cordova application
npm install
npx lerna run prepublish
npx lerna bootstrap -- --legacy-peer-deps
For start the project in development environment (react in browser), you can run:
cd packages/web-ui
npm start
If you have edited files in a web-client[-xxx]
directory, you should rerun npx lerna run prepublish
for apply change in web-ui
cd packages/web-ui
npm run build
- Java 8
- Gradle
cd packages/web-ui/public_app
npm install
npx cordova@8.1.1 platform add android
Before building Android APK, you should always build React application.
All React files are build into packages/web-ui/public_app/www
The following commands are used to create an APK. To create an aab file, please add -- --packageType=bundle
at the end of the command.
cd packages/web-ui/public_app
npx cordova@8.1.1 build android
cd packages/web-ui/public_app
npx cordova@8.1.1 build android --release
To sign APK or aab file, you need to add the keystore file and add a build.json file in packages/web-ui/public_app/ folder with the following props :
"android": {
"release": {
"keystore": "***",
"storePassword": "***",
"alias": "***",
"password": "***"