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Argot is a collection of static analysis tools:

  • taint performs a taint analysis on a given program
  • backtrace identifies backwards data-flow traces from function calls
  • cli is an interactive terminal-like interface for parts of the analysis (in cmd/cli)
  • syntactic runs syntactic analyses
  • compare prints a comparison of the functions that are reachable according to two different analyses, and the functions that appear in the binary
  • dependencies prints the dependencies of a given program
  • maypanic performs a may-panic analysis on a given program
  • packagescan scans imports in packages
  • reachability analyzes the program and prints the functions that are reachable within it
  • render can be used to render a graph representation of the callgraph, or to print the SSA form from the go analysis package
  • ssa-statistics prints statistics about the program

All of these tools are sub-commands of the argot command.

Building the tools

The Makefile at the project root has commands to build Argot.

Run make argot-build to only compile the argot binary.

Run make argot-install to install argot via the go install command.

Run make release to run all the linters and tests.

Running the tools

For a more detailed guide on how to run and use the tools, see the document. There are links to documents for each of the tools listed above, as well as an explanation on how to configure those tools that have shared options.

Source Code Organization

The executables are in the cmd folder. There are currently only two: argot and racerg (an experimental static data race detector).

There is user documentation in the doc folder.

The library code, and most of the analysis implementations, is in the analysis folder. The main entry points are in the load_program.go file for loading the program and analyzers.go to call the analyzers. The rest is organized in subfolders:

  • astfuncs contains functions for manipulating the Go AST,
  • backtrace implements the "backtrace" analysis,
  • concurrency contains the concurrency analyses,
  • config implements the config file system that is shared by all analyses,
  • dataflow implements the dataflow analysis as well as the analysis state object, which is shared by many analyses. Static analyses that require pointer and callgraph information should depend on the dataflow analysis state and use its functionality to build information about the SSA program.
  • defers contains the defers analysis,
  • dependencies contains the dependencies analysis,
  • lang contains function for manipulating the Go SSA form (from the x/tools packages),
  • loadprogram contains utilities to load a program with its SSA representation and the annotations of the program,
  • maypanic contains the may-panic analysis,
  • ptr contains utilities to build an analysis state with the pointer analysis result,
  • reachability contains function-reachability analyses,
  • refactor contains implements refactoring operations,
  • render contains various information rendering utilities
  • summaries defines dataflow summaries of some functions,
  • taint implements the taint analysis

The test data for the analyses are in individual analysis/___/testdata folders.

The internal folder also contains code that implements utility functions used through the analysis code.


ar-go-tools (Argot) is a collection of analysis tools for Go



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