Releases: awslabs/amazon-kinesis-producer
Releases · awslabs/amazon-kinesis-producer
What's Changed
- Update README with 1.0.0 changelog and other minor updates by @lucienlu-aws in #619
- Update by @minuhong-aws in #623
- Upgrade curl, openssl, zlib, and schema-registry-serde by @lucienlu-aws in #627
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
What's Changed
- #614 Upgrade to AWS SDK for Java 2.x
- Upgrade protobuf-java to 4.29.0
- Upgrade schema-registry-serde to 1.1.22
- Upgrade jackson-core to 2.18.2
- Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.18.2
- #611 Make certificate authority file configurable in KinesisProducerConfiguration
- #615 Refactor groupId to
- #616 Auto generate protobuf files in C++
- #484 Upgrade maven-compiler-plugin to 3.11.0
- #607 Upgrade hibernate-validator to 6.2.0.Final
What's Changed
- upgrade to commons lang 3 by @jbarrus in #570
- Bump from 31.1-jre to 33.3.0-jre in /java/amazon-kinesis-producer by @dependabot in #579
- Bump commons-io from 2.11.0 to 2.13.0 in /java/amazon-kinesis-producer by @dependabot in #508
- Bump com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core from 1.12.382 to 1.12.772 in /java/amazon-kinesis-producer and java/amazon-kinesis-producer-sample by @dependabot in #588
- Bump from 3.21.12 to 3.25.5 in /java/amazon-kinesis-producer by @dependabot in #589
- update aws sdk to latest v1 version by @jtaub in #597
- fix null pointer exception in getOldestRecordTimeMillis by @jtaub in #596
- check if dimension value is blank before using it by @jtaub in #594
- replace all usage of sys_siglist with strsignal by @jtaub in #593
- Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.13.0 to 2.17.0 in /java/amazon-kinesis-producer by @dependabot in #598
- Fix build issue after cpp sdk upgrade by @chenylee-aws in #600
- Preparation for release 0.15.12 by @chenylee-aws in #602
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.15.11...v0.15.12
What's Changed
- Upgrade ch.qos.logback:logback-classic from 1.3.0 to 1.3.12 in /java/amazon-kinesis-producer by @dependabot in #571
- Improve retry logic during stream scaling by @chenylee-aws in #576
Full Changelog: v0.15.10...v0.15.11
Release 0.15.10 of the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library
What's Changed
- Drop dependency on jaxb for converting binary arrays to hex by @esirkova in #526
- Reverting to remove a bug with using Stream ARN by @aakkem in #560. Please stay tuned for a future release before using Stream ARN .
- Prepare for KPL Release 0.15.10 by @aakkem in #561
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.15.9...v0.15.10
Release 0.15.9 of the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library
What's Changed
- Add StreamARN parameter to support CAA by @aakkem in #552
- prepare for KPL release 0.15.9 by @aakkem in #553
Full Changelog: v0.15.8...v0.15.9
Release 0.15.8 of the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library
What's Changed
- Upgrade to latest version of GSR by @vanessapinto257 in #537
- Preparing for release 0.15.8 by @namanksrivastava in #538
- Fix build issue by @avahuang0429 in #539
Full Changelog: v0.15.7...v0.15.8
Release 0.15.7 of the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library
What's Changed
- Fix some memory leak cases in legacy code by @avahuang0429 in #498
- Preparing for release 0.15.7 by @aakkem in #499
Full Changelog: v0.15.6...v0.15.7
Release 0.15.6 of the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library
What's Changed
- Updating aws cpp sdk version by @aakkem in #490
- preparing for release 0.15.6 by @aakkem in #491
- Update the CMakeList by @zengyu714 in #492
- Code refactor for async method by @aakkem in #495
Full Changelog: v0.15.5...v0.15.6
[Deprecated] Release 0.15.5 of the Amazon Kinesis Producer Library
What's Changed
- Remove the stream arn parameter when the next token is present by @zengyu714 in #482
Full Changelog: v0.15.4...v0.15.5