The exporting tool offloads the Amazon Keyspaces table to HDFS/FS
To build and use this library, execute the following mvn command.
mvn install package
Before running the tool, verify the capacity mode of the source table. The table should be provisioned with at least 3,000 RCUs, or be configured for on-demand mode. The recommendation is to set the page size for the driver in the application.conf file to 2,500. Run the tool in the terminal with the following command:
java -cp "AmazonKeyspacesExportTool-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar" HDFS_FOLDER SOURCE_QUERY [--recover]
Please set the following required parameters:
– The target folder on HDFS/FS. For example, hdfs://target-folder/
or file://target-folder/
– The source query from Amazon Keyspaces. JSON Keyword must be included. For example,
select json col1, col2,...,colN from keyspace_name.table_name
, or you can use this syntax select json * from keyspace_name.table_name
, or
select json col1, col2,...,colN from keyspace_name.table_name where col1=value1 and col2=value2
If you need to re-start the process, you can use the optional recover option to resume from where the tool left off.
RECOVER OPTION – you can use the --recover
option if the tool failed with
Cassandra timeout during read query at consistency LOCAL_QUORUM (2 responses were required but only 0 replica responded)
The failed state will be saved in a state.ser file and renamed after it is processed.
You can validate the parquet files on HDFS/FS by using Apache Spark (spark-shell). For example,
val parquetFileDF ="file:///keyspace-name/table-name")
This tool is licensed under the Apache-2 License. See the LICENSE file.