Linux AMD64 port now available.
These instructions assume you have SBCL installed on your system with asdf and quicklisp. If you have a macOS port of SBCL that is single threaded, you can easily build a multithreaded version, but the single thread version should run the VkTk Demo just fine.
Install vulkan sdk.
git clone /~ <vktk-dir>
Where <vktk-dir>
is a placeholder for the directory you want git to create. Pick a directory name to use there. (Defaults to VkTk.)
cd <vktk-dir>
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd cimgui
git checkout cimgui-cffi
cd ..
Edit ifc/foreign-libraries.lisp:
Change *vktk-dir*
to point to your <vktk-dir>
Change *vulkan-sdk-path*
to point to your vulkan sdk.
In emacs M-x slime
(push "<vktk-dir>/" asdf:*central-registry*)
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :vktk)
There currently is no standalone demo for vktk. That is a todo item. There is, however, a demo of VkTk functionality combined with oc
. oc is an interface to the OpenCASCADE solid modeler. The demo shows vulkan functionality, imgui functionality and solid modeler functionality together. The idea is to turn this demo into an application. To install/run the demo, follow these additional instructions:
git clone /~
This operation may take a while as OpenCASCADE binaries are provided.
In slime:
(push "<oc-dir>/" asdf:*central-registry*)
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :igp)
When the linux port was created, it was created on a virtual machine, so a software installable client driver was used: swiftshader. If you're running with a real vulkan capable graphics card, the performance should be fine. Swiftshader is a little slow.
vktk is a library for programming Vulkan in Common Lisp.
"vktk" is an abbreviation for Vulkan Toolkit.
vktk provides an abstraction for Vulkan, GLFW, and ImGui.
Vulkan is an interactive 3d-graphics library specification with implementations on Windows, Linux, Android, and Mac. (vktk currently supports Windows, Mac, and Linux all on AMD64.) GLFW is a platform independent Windowing library, and ImGUI is a GUI library which supports interactive 3D libraries such as Vulkan, OpenGL and Direct3D.
Vulkan aims to be the cross-platform accelerated 3D graphics library standard to replace OpenGL and is more flexible to program in threaded environments than OpenGL.
Common Lisp is a well supported, standardized, functional/imperative/object-oriented programming language that is designed to allow large applications to be written with it. Common Lisp is efficient and expressive but most of all I like it.
I needed a 3D graphics/UI library for Computer Aided Design programming in Common Lisp. vktk has a sister project for using the OpenCascade solid modeler with Common Lisp.