tiny img plugin for okam (small program framework)
npm install okam-plugin-tinyimg --save-dev
// your.config.js
rules: [
match: /\.(png|jpe?g)(\?.*)?$/,
processors: {
tinyimg: {
// boolean 是否替换源文件, 默认为 false
replaceRaw: true,
// 若 replaceRaw 为 true, 源文件存放的位置,默认为 'doc/img' (相对于项目根文件)
releaseSourcePath: 'doc/img',
// 忽略不压缩的文件 ignore(path):boolean
// ignore(path) {//... return true/false;}
okam [INFO] src/common/img/game.png compressed [1482->1421](4.12%)
okam [INFO] source file src/common/img/game.png has been move to doc/img/src/common/img
okam [INFO] src/common/img/game.png has been replaced
okam [INFO] src/common/img/game.png has been cached
okam [INFO] src/common/img/go_arrow.png compressed by cache /Users/xxx/.okam
okam [INFO] source file src/common/img/go_arrow.png has been move to doc/img/src/common/img
okam [INFO] src/common/img/go_arrow.png has been replaced
okam [INFO] process src/common/img/game.png 415 ms
okam [INFO] src/common/img/go_arrow.png has already been compressed
okam [INFO] src/common/img/timg.gif skipped