Palourde is a Mac antivirus with ClamAV doing the dirty job.
- Clamav is used vanilla, but clamd and freshclam are handled by launchd.
- Palourde is a Cocoa application with a small C part for handling unix socket communication.
- Build is done with a Rakefile
You have to install macports for dependencies Clamav sources will be download when needed
Build palourde rake build Install it rake install A nice DMG with all inside rake dmg Gives it ammo rake freshclam Lauchctl notices that new agent and daemons is here to be launched. A red insecticid bottle appears on the top of your screen. is a fake virus for test purpose. You can put it in an USB key and plug it, or the classical but slower Scan home.
Debug can be saw in the Console
All the data are in /Library/Palourde, freshclam.conf and clamd.conf are in /Library/Preferences, two daemon's confs are in /Library/LaunchDaemons and the agent is in /Library/LaunchAgents.
Rake does the job rake uninstall