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File structure

  • client.c /client file used to send the request/
  • request_listener.c /server file/
  • configs.h /a header file containing all directives/
  • dispatcher_queue.h /queue used for thread pooling for dispatcher/
  • server_thread_queue.h /queue used for thread pooling in server/
  • dll_loader.h /contains all the functions required for the dll to execute/
  • unit_test.c /testing/

Compile (Please refer to examples):

  1. Open 2 separate terminals in linux in the same folder containing the above mentioned files
  2. In one terminal (for server):

Example 1:

gcc -o listener request_listener.c -lpthread -ldl
./listener 5546


gcc -o listener request_listener.c -lpthread -ldl
./listener <portNo.>
  1. In the other terminal(client):

Example 2:

gcc -o client client.c
./client 5546 pow 2 3


gcc -o client client.c
./client <portNo.> <dll_name> <func_name> <func_args>

run ./client for usage

Running the above Example 1 and Example 2 in succession will return the following output at the console:

Successfully Enqueued



Successfully Enqueued /The request has been Enqueued by the dispatcher/ 8.000000 /Return value of request pow 2 3 (2 raised to power 3)/

  • Please refer to design_document.txt for understanding the code
  • In some cases if the output doesnt match please check whether (math.h)"" exists at "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
  • To change the path edit PATH in dll_loader.h and HEADER_FILE in dll_loader.h


  • THREAD POOL LIMIT The thread pool limit (Number of threads) can be changed in configs.h Look for THREAD_POOL_SIZE in configs.h

  • QUEUE SIZE LIMIT Limits the size of queue both for the socket server thread pool as well as dispatcher queue Look for QUEUE_SIZE in configs.h

  • MAX CONNECTIONS Limits the max connections to be held by the socker server Look for MAX_CONNECTIONS in configs.h

  • FILE SIZE LIMIT IN MB Limits the total File size for all the threads Look for MEMORY_LIMIT_IN_MB in configs.h

  • ADD/REMOVE DISPATCHER A boolean which can be used to turn on and off the dispatcher(If off it will only enque request will be done) Look for SET_DISPATCHER in configs.h

  • BUFFER LIMIT Limits the BUFFER size for the data packet Look for BUFFER_SIZE in dispatcher_queue.h

  • TOTAL FILE DESCRIPTOR LIMIT Limits the file descriptors in total which can open. Look for OPEN_FILE_FD in configs.h

  • ALLOW FILE DESCRIPTOR LIMIT A boolean which can be used to turn on and off the file descriptor limit Look for SET_TOTAL_FD_LIMIT in configs.h



gcc -o unit_test unit_test.c -lpthread -ldl

for output details refer to design document

The compilation assumes the following header files are already present



Interrupt handler service routine






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