Kickstarter CLI for your static-websites with best practices. Easily extendible!
A CLI tool to generate Simple and Lightweight boilerplate with standard web practices, with gulp blended underneath.
Serve your web pages in Vintage style, and with Full-control on What and How your CSS and JS bundles with each route in a structured way. And Production-run simply bakes your static website ready to be served.
(WIP: Work recently started. Watch out the space.)
npm install -g goalup-kickstart
goalup-kickart new project_name
cd project_name
- es6+ JS
- CSS preprocessor (stylus) and auto-prefixers
- Template engine and partials (.pug)
- Data reading (.yml)
- Production-ready build (Minification + File hashing)
- Lazy load images (+ Option to provide placeholder low quality image)
- static file serving (Copied directly to build folder. Use goalup-minify in case you need to minify assets inside)
- sitemap and robot.txt
- FE auto-redirect script
- Pretty Urls (Directory Indexes)
- Get gzipped versions of assets HTML, CSS, Javascript and other files.
- (Internal + External CSS + External source CSS) + Helper CSS files
- (JS in html + External JS + External source JS) + Reusable JS helpers
- Common banner and footer across pages + Escape it on some pages
- Boilerplate generated is fully extendible/modifiable
- Production-ready build - Add support for Environment variables
- Add support markdown
- Live-reloading
- Unit testing (chai + mocha)
- Puppeteer test to check all routes are loaded fine without JS/CSS errors.
- ESLint
- CSSLint
- Animation Optimizations / Sequencing
- Lighthouse for page loading speeds
- Workbox
- GA events
- Polyfills
- Cross browser Testing! Browserstack
- For IE 8 support, use es5-shims
Kudos is an amazing way to exchange appreciation for the project and inspire others.
Using goalup-kickstarter in public projects? Add url below!
- goalup-tour
- goalup-snackbar /~ /~ /~ /~