ASC Framing Decision List - READ ME
Within this directory you will find many files and folders for the ASC FDL.
Here is a breakdown of their purpose:
ASCFDL One Sheet This is the first document you should read This is a very brief introduction to what the FDL is and the problem it has set out to solve
ASC FDL User Guide This is a document intended for end users to better understand how the FDL could be used within their workflows. This will also be a great reference for implementers to better understand the intention behind FDL usability
ASCFDL DataPoints This is a spreadsheet which breaks down each attribute within an FDL These are also documented in the specification, but made available within this sheet in case it’s helpful for implementers
ASCFDL Specification This is the technical specification for implementers
ASCFDL ERD ERD file created to help implementers have quick access to attribute information
ASC FDL Schema ASC FDL Schema for implementers
Google Drive Directory
Sample Files For Implementers Please use the following link for sample source files, with .FDL's and the resulting expected images. This will be very helpful for software/hardware developers to test their FDL implementation against our expected results.
SMPTE ATC ASCFDL 20211028 This is a recording from a SMPTE presentation introducing the challenges dailies operators face with managing framing, and how the FDL could help.