The original package is available at /~
The cli executable tool from this repository strips away clutter like buttons, ads, background images, and videos. It outputs html and text great for reading or parsing (for a web crawler for example).
For a quick start, you can download a pre-compiled binary available in the Releases section of this repository. It provides an effortless way to access the package without delving into the compilation process.
Install Deno:
(Instruction for Macos and Linux, more options available at
curl -fsSL | sh
Then run:
deno compile --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-env --output=readability_cli readability_cli.js
deno compile --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-env --output=readability_httpserver readability_httpserver.js
./readability_httpserver --homedir /path/to/home/directory --listenon "" --port 8080
Then curl -X POST "/path/to/home/directory/path/to/html/file/to/make/more/readable.html"
, readability_httpserver will write /path/to/home/directory/path/to/html/file/to/make/more/readable.readable.html
and /path/to/home/directory/path/to/html/file/to/make/more/readable.readable.txt
in the same location.
./readability_cli --sourcefile index.html --outputfile very_readable.html
See It is the license from Arc90 javascript library upon which Readability is based. It is also the one adopted by the Mozilla repository.