is not packery
$ npm install --save pinp
// using ES6 module
import pinp from 'pinp'
// using CommonJS module
var pinp = require('pinp')
<script src=""></script>
// window.pinp is exposed
import pinp from 'pinp'
const grid = pinp('.pinp-container')
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.pinp-element')
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
See example
for a detailed implementation.
See docs/API.
$ npm install # install all npm dependencies
$ npm run start # start the dev server with livereload on the example folder
$ npm run build # bundle your library in CJS / UMD / ESM
$ npm run test # lint your js inside the src folder
$ npm version [major|minor|patch] # bundle, create a new release, publish to npm and deploy example/ to gh-page