3D engine core for C with JS scripting. ArmorCore targets Direct3D12, Vulkan, Metal and WebGPU.
Powered by Kinc - low-level hardware abstraction library.
git clone /~https://github.com/armory3d/armorcore
cd armorcore
Windows (x64)
./make --graphics direct3d12
# Open generated Visual Studio project at `build\Armory.sln`
# Build for x64 & release
Linux (x64)
./make --graphics vulkan --compile
macOS (arm64)
./make --graphics metal
# Open generated Xcode project at `build/Armory.xcodeproj`
# Build
Android (arm64)
./make --graphics vulkan --target android
# Open generated Android Studio project at `build/Armory`
# Build
iOS (arm64)
./make --graphics metal --target ios
# Open generated Xcode project at `build/Armory.xcodeproj`
# Build
./make --graphics webgpu --target wasm