A c chess program that runs in the console
./main cli To start in cli mode
./main To start in uci mode
A list of commands can be accessed with "hlp" or "help"
If pieces are not displating properly, try switching to ASCII with ">>dsp"
Commands are case sensetive
When no command is entered, the last is repeated
Loading a position from a fen string is supported, but currently requires editing the main.cpp file\
Supported commands:
(both depth and movetime can be used, and the search with stop when the first condition is met
but using infinite in combination with depth/movetime results in unpredictable behaviour)
- uci
- quit
- position [fen <fenstring> | startpos] moves <move1> .... <movei>
- isready
- go [depth <x> | movetime <x> | infinite]
- stop
- added wtime,btime and movestogo to uci
- fixed fen strings crashing the program
- Board colors in cli can be changed
- Side to move shown under the board
- CLI no longer supports cheating
- UCI position command ignores invalid or illegal moves
- MoveFromStr now checks if a move is valid
- Mode is now determined with command line arguments instead of settings file
- Added the ability to cancel searches
- Added time constrained searches
- Added iterative deepening
- Added actual alpha/beta pruning
- Added i/o folder
- Added settings.txt
- Added tokenizer
- Added String struct for i/o
search (merged 11/1/24)
- added basic pruning
- switched to nmax search
- Added psq debug command
- Added mobility bonus
- Added piece square tables
- C-migration (merged 10/30/24)
- reorganised project files
- cleaned up headers
- greatly improved magic number search
- added move.h/move.c
- added types.h/move.c
- added movePiece function
- removed all standard library dependencies
- moved everything out of classes
- added bst command (plays the "best" move)
- added minimax search
- added evl command (shows the evaluation)
- added evaluation function (currently just counts material)
move-gen-optimisation (merged 10/19/24)
- improved castling
- improved naming of some functions
- removed Board.threatened
- magic numbers store the maximum index they use, to save space
- magic number search improved
- magics stored in a struct
- sch command improved
- Split search into search, movegen, and magicman classes
- Ui now takes in various components as pointers, to avoid having multiple copies of the same thing
- Magic lookup now uses array instead of std::map
- Reformatted changelog slightly
move-generation-bugfixes (merged 10/15/24)
- Move generator now functional
- UI was refactored
- Debug was refactored
- Move representation changed to only use 4 bytes
- Added magic bitboards for sliding pieces
- Perft functions added(tst, mgs)
- Check detection no longer has to call a search
- Knights and kings use a lookup table for move generation
- Every kind of move is possible, and can be made from the console
- Pieces now always print with a black font color, for visibility
- Black pawns are no longer bolded
- The program prints what step of setup it's at, for debug reasons
- Added debug view
- Added better bitboard visualisation
- Added README
- And probably a bunch of other stuff I forgot, because this branch isn't just move generation bugfixes, I got carried away and basically rewrote the entire program