prepBioCyc is a collection of modules for
- preprocessing BioCyc database collection, including MetaCyc (step 1)
- building association matrices among pathways, ECs, and compounds (step 2)
- extracting EC and pathway properties while building mapping files for the downstream PathoLogic and MinPath prediction algorithms (steps 3-4)
- construct pairwise similarities among pathways (step 5)
- building gene, EC, and pathway graphs (step 6)
- creating synthetic and golden datasets with features (step 7-8)
The codebase is tested to work under Python 3.8. To install the necessary requirements, run the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Basically, prepBioCyc requires following packages:
- Anaconda
- NumPy (>= 1.19)
- scikit-learn (>= 0.24)
- NetworkX (>= 2.4)
- scipy (>=1.6)
- fuzzywuzzy (== 0.18.0)
Run the following commands to clone the repository to an appropriate location:
git clone /~
For all experiments, navigate to src
folder then run the commands of your choice. For example, to display *
prepBioCyc*"s running options use: python --help
. It should be self-contained. For a general usage execute the
following command:
python --build-biocyc-object --build-indicator --build-pathway-properties --build-ec-properties --build-pathway-similarities --build-graph --constraint-kb 'metacyc' --build-synset --ex-features-from-synset --build-golden-dataset --ex-features-from-golden-dataset --build-pathologic-input --build-minpath-dataset --minpath-map --kbpath "[path to database]" --ospath "[path to the object files (e.g. 'biocyc.pkl')]" --dspath "[path to dataset and to store results]" --display-interval -1 --num-jobs 2
Please obtain MetaCyc and other databases from BioCyc.
If you find prepBioCyc useful in your research, please consider citing this repo and the following papers:
- M. A. Basher, Abdur Rahman, McLaughlin, Ryan J., and Hallam, Steven J.. "Metabolic pathway inference using multi-label classification with rich pathway features." , PLoS Comput Biol (2020).
- M. A. Basher, Abdur Rahman, and Hallam, Steven J.. "Leveraging Heterogeneous Network Embedding for Metabolic Pathway Prediction" , Bioinformatics (2020).
- M. A. Basher, Abdur Rahman, McLaughlin, Ryan J., and Hallam, Steven J.. "Metabolic pathway inference using non-negative matrix factorization with community detection." , 10th International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and medical Sciences (ICCABS), (2020).
- M. A. Basher, Abdur Rahman and Hallam, Steven J.. "Multi-label pathway prediction based on active dataset subsampling." , bioRxiv (2020).
- M. A. Basher, Abdur Rahman and Hallam, Steven J.. "reMap: Relabeling Multi-label Pathway Data with Bags to Enhance Predictive Performance" , bioRxiv (2020).
- M. A. Basher, Abdur Rahman. "Modeling Metabolic Pathways as Groups (with Augmentation).", arXiv (2019).
For any inquiries, please contact: