Just a small command line tool that's takes advantage of the Postman SDK and postman-code-gen to create code snippets from Postman Collections (Exported from Postman).
For some reason this feature is missing in the actual client so I thought I would quickly make a tool that does what I want.
> node main.js --help
Usage: generate [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --collection <path> Path to the Postman 2.1 Collection JSON
-l,--language_variant <tuple> Language,Variant pair to output (default: "cURL,cURL")
-e,--envvars <path> Path to environment variables exported from Postman. NOTE: Environment variables will not override variables provided in collection
-d, --debug Output additional debugging info
-h, --help output usage information
- Export your Collection from Postman as JSON in the 2.1 format e.g.
- To generate
node main.js -c example_collection.json
# Output:
# curl --location --request GET 'https://v7rr12wbr7.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/courses?c0=PHYS153&c1=APSC160&c2=CHEM154&c3=MATH100&c4=APSC150&c5=MATH101&c6=MATH152&c7=PHYS170&c8=ENGL112&c9=MATH253&c10=MECH226&c11=MATH255&c12=MECH220&c13=MECH221&c14=MECH224&c15=MECH222&c16=MECH223&c17=MECH225&c18=MECH375&c19=MECH368&c20=MECH360&c21=MECH328&c22=MECH326&c23=MECH325&c24=CIVL200&c25=EOSC114&c26=PHIL120&c27=MECH380&c28=MECH358&c29=MECH305&c30=LING101&c31=MATH307&version_key=1.2'
# curl --location --request GET 'https://v7rr12wbr7.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/courses?c0=PHYS153'
node main.js -c example_collection.json -d -l shell,httpie
node main.js -c example_collection.json -d -l Swift,URLSession
For a full list see: /~https://github.com/postmanlabs/postman-code-generators#postman-code-generators-
You can also substitute variables from exported Evironment Variables from Postman (Note: That variables in the Collection JSON will take precedence)
node main.js -c example_collection.json --envvars environment.json