This is a prototype project made to run on Arduino Uno together with an Ethernet Shield W5100, it performs status monitoring through digital inputs and Arduino calls and the respective values are updated and sent to the device's local page in real time. The same project would include a matrix of numbers that would be typed and, if correct, the device password would unlock the web page developed below.
Technologies | How To Use | Development Status | License
This project was used with the following technologies:
- CodeBlocks
- Visual Studio Code
- ArduinoIDE
- W3layout
- Bootstrap v3.3.5
- Google FontsAPI
- Font Awesome 4.6.3 by @davegandy
- jQuery v2.0.3
- Raphaël 2.0.1 - JavaScript Vector Library
- Morris - Olly Smith
The following development boards were used:
To clone and download all project directories you can use Git, or any other specific program.
To clone the current directory use the command:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone /~
You can open the script file with the Arduino IDE and perform the recording through it. The file_arduino.ino is located at the root of this repository
# This local repository
$ /access-rid/file_arduino.ino
Consult the comments of the "file_arduino.ino" for configuring your Arduino Ethernet Shield both the IP Address and MAC of the device, by default the configuration of this project is in this form:
static uint8_t mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBA, 0xED };
// IP Address
static uint8_t ip[] = { 192, 168, 200, 150 };
The project was completed ^^. Below are some images of the project. You can access a preview of the project here
This project is under the GPL v3.0 license. See the LICENSE for more information.
Made with ♥ by Marcos (Obel) 👋 Get in touch!