Simple PHPDOC document parser to create a json output. It is created very much for our own purposes at Appzio, so it might not do every trick in the book, but extending is very easy.
Takes input of a directory and produces one json file with the hierarchy & code structure along with comments in a flat array.
We use this file to create our documentation inside WordPress (example as a png).
Supported items:
- class name
- class namespace
- class methods
- class properties
- class uses
- documentation blocks, with the following specials:
- @var -- if class property contains an object, this points to the object
- @param $varname -- function variable
- @example /~ -- links to repository with example code
calling from command line (you can define target as a second parameter, but its not required) php Doctim.php /Users/MyUser/documents/source/
calling from browser Doctim.php?source=/Users/MyUser/documents/source/
Author: Timo Railo (