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Flask Cookie-Cutter is an open-source cookiecutter template built on top of a simple Flask codebase with a modern design. For newcomers, Cookiecutter is a command-line utility that creates projects from project templates and Django is a leading web framework built by experts using a batteries-included concept.

  • UI Themes: Pixel Lite / Material Kit
  • Generated Projects Features:
    • Up-to-date dependencies: Flask 2.0.1
    • SCSS -> CSS compilation via Gulp
    • Persistence: SQLite / MySql / PostgreSQL
    • Session-Based Authentication, Forms validation
    • Deployment: Gunicorn / Nginx
    • One-line Docker setup
      • docker-compose up --build

Cookie-Cutter Flask - open-source generator provided by AppSeed.

Project Customization:

  • Project information: name, author, email
  • Database Engine: SQLite, MySql or PostgreSql
  • UI Themes:


How to use it

Using cookiecutter tool

Step #1 - Create a virtual environment

$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Unix based systems)
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Windows based systems)
$ # virtualenv env
$ # .\env\Scripts\activate 

Step #2 - Install Depenedencies

$ # Install modules - SQLite Storage
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step #3 - Generate the project

$ cookiecutter /~

Using appseed-shell package

Step #1 - Install Dependencies

$ pip3 install cookiecutter
$ pip3 install GitPython
$ pip3 install appseed-shell

Step #2 - Launch the Python shell and generate the product

$ python
>>> from appseed_shell import generate_flask_sites
>>> generate_flask_sites()

Credits & Links

For more resources and support please access:

Cookie-Cutter Flask - Provided by AppSeed App Generator.