This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
* Update starter.ini * Update * Update .gitpod.Dockerfile Update xdebug configuration to own config file for ioncube support Add global composer bin folder to $PATH Add update-ca-certificates * Update .gitpod.Dockerfile Add composer bin to $PATH * Update .gitpod.Dockerfile * Update ioncube setup * Update Fix #153 * Update Fix #152 * Update Fix #151 * Update starter.ini Fix #149 * Update update-pma-pws-help.txt Fix #147 * Update Fix #147 * Update Fix #145 * BaseImage PHP8 * Update to PHP 8.0 * Update .gitpod.Dockerfile * Update to PHP 8.0 Fix #155 * Fix PHP8 Path * Fix PHP 8 Path * Clear APT lists * Add Workspace/Project composer bin folder to $PATH * Add Workspace/Project composer bin folder to $PATH * Update update-pma-pws-help.txt * Update .gitpod.yml * optional php7.4 install * optional php7.4 install * 🐛 FIX: optional php7.4 install: add sudo * 🐛 FIX: optional php7.4 install: in progress * 🐛 FIX: optional php7.4 install: in progress * 🐛 FIX: optional php7.4 install: in progress * ♻️ REFACTOR: comments and #156 * ♻️ REFACTOR: #157 in progress * ♻️ REFACTOR: Consolidate docker layers: in progress * 🐛 FIX: 157: consolidate docker layers: bad file names in first RUN instruction * 🐛 FIX: 157: consolidate docker layers: debug missing tmp file * 🤖 TEST: 157: consolidate docker layers: use /var/tmp rather than /tmp * 🐛 FIX: 157: consolidate docker layers: swap gitpod apt-get install function for standard one that doesnt rm /tmp * 🐛 FIX: 157: consolidate docker layers: swap gitpod apt-get install function for standard one that doesnt rm /tmp * 🐛 FIX: 157: consolidate docker layers: swap gitpod apt-get install function for standard one that doesnt rm /tmp * 🐛 FIX: 157: consolidate docker layers: swap gitpod apt-get install function for standard one that doesnt rm /tmp * 👌 IMPROVE: 156 Install core, additional and optional PHP version packages * ➕ ADD: get php major and minor version * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * 🐛 FIX: log for unsupported php version in starter.ini * 🐛 FIX: use array for package args rather than a string * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * 👌 IMPROVE: log messages when swapping php versions * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * 👌 IMPROVE: log messages when swapping php versions * 💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: everytime should be two words * 🐛 FIX: capitalize you * 💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: capitalize the word you in first bullet point of securing phpMyAdmin * 📖 DOC: make Technology lowercase in Welcome section * 💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: must be run as a sudo user * 🐛 FIX: move composer bin to /home/apena/.nvm/versions/node/v12.4.0/bin:/home/apena/go/bin:/home/apena/.local/bin:/home/apena/bin:/usr/local/bin:/home/apena/.vscode-server/bin/fe719cd3e5825bf14e14182fddeb88ee8daf044f/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/wsl/lib:/mnt/c/PROGRAM FILES/DELL/DW WLAN CARD:/mnt/c/PROGRAM FILES/INTEL/ICLS CLIENT/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32:/mnt/c/WINDOWS:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WBEM:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WINDOWSPOWERSHELL/V1.0/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32:/mnt/c/WINDOWS:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WBEM:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WINDOWSPOWERSHELL/V1.0/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/OPENSSH/:/mnt/c/PROGRAMDATA/CHOCOLATEY/BIN:/mnt/c/HASHICORP/VAGRANT/BIN:/mnt/c/PROGRAM FILES (X86)/MELD/:/mnt/c/PROGRAM FILES (X86)/INTEL/INTEL(R) MANAGEMENT ENGINE COMPONENTS/DAL:/mnt/c/PROGRAM FILES/INTEL/INTEL(R) MANAGEMENT ENGINE COMPONENTS/DAL:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32:/mnt/c/WINDOWS:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WBEM:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/WINDOWSPOWERSHELL/V1.0/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/OPENSSH/:/mnt/c/USERS/PENAV/APPDATA/ROAMING/NVM:/mnt/c/PROGRAM FILES/NODEJS:/mnt/c/Program Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin:/mnt/c/ProgramData/DockerDesktop/version-bin:/mnt/c/Python27/:/mnt/c/Python27/Scripts:/mnt/c/Users/penav/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38/:/mnt/c/Users/penav/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38/Scripts/:/mnt/c/Users/penav/.poetry/bin:/mnt/c/Users/penav/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/c/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/4.2/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/heroku/bin:/mnt/c/Users/penav/AppData/Local/Google/Cloud SDK/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/mnt/c/Users/penav/AppData/Roaming/nvm:/mnt/c/Program Files/nodejs:/mnt/c/Users/penav/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/home/apena/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin block above setting of initialized flag * move composer bin to PATH block above setting of initialized flag * ➕ ADD: dynamic xdebug install * 🐛 FIX: typos/syntax errors * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * 🐛 FIX: generate xdebug conf * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * 🐛 FIX: xdebug conf not generating * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * 🐛 FIX: xdebug.ini name * 🤖 TEST: hardcoded php version * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * 🤖 TEST: reverting code * 🐛 FIX: bad log syntax and set phpize specifically * 🤖 TEST: * 🐛 FIX: missing phpize * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * 🤖 TEST: hardcoded php version to 7.4 for now * 🤖 TEST: hardcode phpize path for php7.4 for now * ➕ ADD: libapache2-mod-php7.4 and --set php-config * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * ♻️ REFACTOR: #156 * ⚰️ REMOVE: extraneous file * ♻️ REFACTOR: #156 * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * 🤖 TEST: Gitpod us cluster is unstable, forcing docker image build * 🤖 TEST: force docker image build * 🤖 TEST: force docker * ♻️ REFACTOR: #156 * Add GnuPG Support * Update .gitpod.Dockerfile * Add Log Notice and Description Fix #170 * 🐛 FIX: rebuild package list * 🤖 TEST: build docker image * 🐛 FIX: try conditionally disabling php module for apache before installing php * 🤖 TEST: docker image build * 🤖 TEST: trying to properly purge gp installed php * 🤖 TEST: docker * 🤖 TEST: trying to properly purge gp installed php * 🤖 TEST: docker * 🐛 FIX: php-fpm conf path * 🤖 TEST: docker * 🐛 FIX: apache conf getting overwritten by potential php install * 🐛 FIX: php-fpm.conf path * 🤖 TEST: docker * ♻️ REFACTOR: autogeneration of php-fpm * 🤖 TEST: docker * 🐛 FIX: set apache conf * 🐛 FIX: bad tabs in php-fpm.conf generation * 🤖 TEST: docker * ♻️ REFACTOR: apache configuration * 🐛 FIX: #172 * 🤖 TEST: docker * 🐛 FIX: typo * 🤖 TEST: #173 * 🤖 TEST: debugging #171 * 🤖 TEST: docker * 🐛 FIX: #174 * 🐛 FIX: trim any potential leading or tailing whitepsace from the parsed ppa value * 🤖 TEST: docker * 🤖 TEST: #174 again * 🤖 TEST: docker * 🐛 FIX: #148 * 🐛 FIX: log messages for #171 * ♻️ REFACTOR: #165 and #170 * 🐛 FIX: #158 * 🐛 FIX: bump hardcoded gls version in preparation for v1.4 release * 🐛 FIX: #168 * 🐛 FIX: #161 and log messages for #168 and autogeneration of php-fpm.conf * 🐛 FIX: #161 * 🐛 FIX: #168 * 🤖 TEST: #168 * 🐛 FIX: comment * 🤖 TEST: #168 * 🤖 TEST: #168 * 🐛 FIX: move autogeneration of files as per starter.ini to after rsync * 🐛 FIX: shorten log message gor phpinfo.php autogenaration * 🐛 FIX: parse .vscode/settings.json first * Show only stderr for gpg * 💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: improve log msg * 🐛 FIX: #164 * Update Fix hidden comment issue * 🐛 FIX: 3614991 * 📖 DOC: #160 * 🐛 FIX: #156 * 🤖 TEST: docker * 📖 DOC: #173 * 🤖 TEST: docker * 🐛 FIX: #156 for ioncube * 🤖 TEST: docker * 🤖 TEST: ioncube install, TODO: swap this back to the default of 0 after testing * 🤖 TEST: do not install ioncube if php version is > 7.4 * ♻️ REFACTOR: remove generation of php-fpm conf * ♻️ REFACTOR: generation of php-fpm.conf for #156 * 🤖 TEST: force docker * ⚰️ REMOVE: autogeneration of php-fpm.conf * 🤖 TEST: force docker * 🐛 FIX: proper exit * 🤖 TEST: force docker * 🐛 FIX: get current php version * ♻️ REFACTOR: move autogen of php-fpm.conf * ♻️ REFACTOR: ioncube install for php 7.4 * 💡 UPDATE COMMENTS: PHP ppa comment * 🤖 TEST: force docker * 🐛 FIX: bump npm install to 8.3.2 * 🐛 FIX: add phpfpm install for php versions > 7.4 * 🤖 TEST: force docker * ♻️ REFACTOR: move invalidate cache back to the bottom of the file * 🐛 FIX: path to * 🤖 TEST: force docker * 🐛 FIX: log to workspace-image.log when using existing gitpodlatest version of php * 🐛 FIX: php version comparison for installing phpfpm * 🤖 TEST: install php 7.4 * 🤖 TEST: invalid value for php version * 🤖 TEST: force docker * 🐛 FIX: fallback routine for #156 * 🤖 TEST: force docker * 🤖 TEST: #156 install php 7.4 explicity * 🤖 TEST: force docker * 🐛 FIX: restore default value for ioncube install to 0 * 🤖 TEST: force docker * 📖 DOC: #180 * 📖 DOC: #181 * ♻️ REFACTOR: #170 * 🐛 FIX: log gpg_key_id * 🤖 TEST: gitpod with git signed commit * 🐛 FIX: unset GPG_KEY once successful * 🤖 TEST: test gpg trusted key * 🤖 TEST: gpg signed commit * 🐛 FIX: #170 swap git email to env GPG_MATCH_GIT_TO_EMAIL if present * 🐛 FIX: typo * 🤖 TEST: email match for gpg * 🐛 FIX: make gpg key logs silent except for errors * 🐛 FIX: #170 Support GPG_AUTO_ULTIMATE_TRUST to automagically give ultimate trust to a GPG_KEY * ⚰️ REMOVE: extraneous space in GPG_AUTO_ULTIMATE_TRUST conditional * 🐛 FIX: #170 make success a slient log for GPG_AUTO_ULTIMATE_TRUST * 🐛 FIX: reduce verbosity of all log messages * 🐛 FIX: #170 log improper use of GPG env vars * ⚰️ REMOVE: redundant file * 🤖 TEST: remove hotfix #140 * 🤖 TEST: #185 * 🤖 TEST: #185 * 🐛 FIX: #188 * 🐛 FIX: #185 * 📖 DOC: #183 * ⚰️ REMOVE: test file * 📖 DOC: dev-qa fix for #183 * 👌 IMPROVE: Documentation formatting, broken links and #176 Co-authored-by: Björn Strausmann <>
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