ρ-CP: Open Source Dislocation Density Based Crystal Plasticity Framework for Simulating Temperature- and Strain Rate-Dependent Deformation
Anirban Patra1*, Suketa Chaudhary1, Namit Pai1, Tarakram Ramgopal1, Sarthak Khandelwal1, Adwitiya Rao1, David L. McDowell2,3**
1Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
ρ-CP is a crystal plasticity solver that interfaces with the open source finite element solver, MOOSE (/~https://github.com/idaholab/moose), for crystal plasticity finite element modeling of anisotropic, heterogeneous deformation in polycrystalline ensembles. Source codes for the dislocation density-based crystal plasticity solver are provided in this repository.
There are several constitutive models implemented for the different examples provided: (a) mobile and immobile dislocation density based crystal plasticity model, with threshold lattice resistance (DDCPStressUpdate, DDCPHCPStressUpdate) (Ref. [1]), (b) mobile and immobile dislocation density based crystal plasticity model, without threshold lattice resistance (DDCPTSTStressUpdate) (Ref. [2]), (c) statistically stored dislocation (SSD) density based Kocks-Mecking crystal plasticity model (DDCP_SSD_StressUpdate) (Ref. [3]), (d) mobile and immobile dislocation density based J2 plasticity model (DDJ2StressUpdate) (Refs. [5,6]).
Details of the framework and numerical implementation are available at:
Details of the material properties/model parameters and their input to the model are given in: Model Parameters
Details of pre- and post-processing are given in: Pre- and Post-Processing
All input files tested with MOOSE version: 024e31760a (2024-08-13), PETSc version: 3.21.4, SLEPc version: 3.21.1
The user needs to install MOOSE first (https://mooseframework.inl.gov/getting_started/installation/index.html), then clone and compile ρ-CP alongside MOOSE in the projects
- Following installation of MOOSE and the required
environment, the source files can be obtained either using the following commands from thehome
cd projects
git clone /~https://github.com/apatra6/rhocp.git
or directly downloading the repository from github in theprojects
directory. - The executable can be compiled using:
cd rhocp
make -j 4
to get the executablerhocp-opt
(here 4 represents the number of processors used for compiling and can be modified appropriately). - If the user wishes to perform code developement and debug the application using
, the executable should be compiled indebug
mode using the following coomand:
METHOD=dbg make -j 4
to get the executablerhocp-dbg
(more details can be found at: https://mooseframework.inl.gov/application_development/debugging.html).
- The user is suggested to first go through the basics of running MOOSE simulations (https://mooseframework.inl.gov/getting_started/examples_and_tutorials/index.html).
- Example simulation files for magnesium, copper, tantalum, 304L stainless steel, DX54 ferritic steel and 316 austenitic stainless steel are located in the
directory. - The following input files are required to run a ρ-CP simulation: (a) MOOSE input file, with
extension, (b) slip system information file (bcc_slip_sys.in
, for example), (c) material properties file (bcc_props.in
, for example), (d) grain orientations in the form of Bunge Euler angles (orientations.in
, for example). Additionally, the mesh may be: (i) created in the MOOSE input file itself, (ii) imported from an Exodus file (64grains_512elements.e
, for example), or (iii) imported from an EBSD mesh file (tantalum_input_original_euler.txt
, for example). For the last case, Euler angles need not be imported separately. - The EBSD mesh file can be created using DREAM3D. See: https://mooseframework.inl.gov/source/userobjects/EBSDReader.html and http://www.dream3d.io/2_Tutorials/EBSDReconstruction/ for additional details.
- Simulations can be run using the following example command:
mpiexec -n 4 ~/projects/rhocp/rhocp-opt -i Cu_compression_sim.i
for running the example given inrhocp/examples/copper/strain_rate_effect/compression_sr_1e-1ps/
. - Output files in the form of
files can be used for plotting averaged values of various quantities and Exodus.e
files can be visualized using Paraview (https://www.paraview.org/) for the deformation contours (the user is advised to use Paraview version 5.9 or lower). - Spatio-temporal data can also be extracted from the
output files using the Python SEACAS (/~https://github.com/sandialabs/seacas) libraries (an example scriptextract_data.py
is provided inexamples/tantalum/temperature_effect/compression_512/298K_sr_5000_512grains
) or using the GUI-based data extraction tools in Paraview.
For general details of the ρ-CP framework and numerical implementation: Ref. [1]
For mobile and immobile dislocation density based crystal plasticity model, without threshold lattice resistance: Ref. [2]
For SSD-based Kocks-Mecking crystal plasticity model: Ref. [3]
For thermal Eigen strains and prediction of residual/internal strains: Refs. [3,4]
For the dislocation density-based J2 plasticity model: Refs. [5,6]
For numerical integration of the J2 plasticity model: Ref. [7]
[1] Patra, A., Chaudhary, S., Pai, N., Ramgopal, T., Khandelwal, S., Rao, A., McDowell, D.L., “ρ-CP: Open source dislocation density based crystal plasticity framework for simulating temperature- and strain rate-dependent deformation”, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 224, 2023, 112182.
[2] Patra, A., Tomé, C.N., “A dislocation density-based crystal plasticity constitutive model: Comparison of VPSC effective medium predictions with ρ-CP finite element predictions”, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 32, 2024, 045014.
[3] Pai, N., Samajdar, I., Patra, A., “Study of orientation-dependent residual strains during tensile and cyclic deformation of an austenitic stainless steel”, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 185, 2025, 104228.
[4] Pokharel, R., Patra, A., Brown, D.W., Clausen, B., Vogel, S.C., Gray, G.T., “An analysis of phase stresses in additively manufactured 304L stainless steel using neutron diffraction measurements and crystal plasticity finite element simulations”, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 121, 2019, pp. 201-217.
[5] Khandelwal, S., Basu, S., Patra, A., “A machine learning-based surrogate modeling framework for predicting the history-dependent deformation of dual phase microstructures”, Materials Today Communications, Vol. 29, 2021, 102914.
[6] Basu, S., Patra, A., Jaya, B.N., Ganguly, S., Dutta, M., Samajdar, I., “Study of microstructure - property correlations in dual phase steels for achieving enhanced strength and reduced strain partitioning”, Materialia, Vol. 25, 2022, 101522.
[7] Patra, A., Pai, N., Sharma, P., “Modeling intrinsic size effects using dislocation density-based strain gradient plasticity”, Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 127, 2023, 104038.