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Payara Server instance running on WSL with deploy-on-save breaks "Web…
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Revert distributeOnSave in DeployOnSaveManager
Fixes application path to distribute file on save
Tooltip for WSL and Docker
WSL and Docker configuration in Payara Server Properties panel
DeployOnSaveManager deprecated and available for older version (<2.2)
  • Loading branch information
jGauravGupta committed Jan 17, 2025
1 parent b556042 commit e43e28c
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Showing 14 changed files with 254 additions and 230 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -468,12 +468,6 @@ private boolean notifyServer(J2eeModuleProvider provider, Iterable<Artifact> art
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, builder.toString());

try {
distributeOnSave(FileUtil.toFile(provider.getJ2eeModule().getContentDirectory()), artifacts);
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, null, ex); // NOI18N

String instanceID = provider.getServerInstanceID ();
ServerInstance inst = ServerRegistry.getInstance ().getServerInstance (instanceID);
if (inst == null && "DEV-NULL".equals(instanceID)) { // NOI18N
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -603,161 +597,6 @@ private void runJPDAAppReloaded() {

private void distributeOnSave(File destDir, Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) throws IOException {

try {
FileObject destRoot = FileUtil.createFolder(destDir);

// create target FOs map keyed by relative paths
Enumeration<? extends FileObject> destFiles = destRoot.getChildren(true);
Map<String, FileObject> destMap = new HashMap<>();
int rootPathLen = destRoot.getPath().length();
for (; destFiles.hasMoreElements();) {
FileObject destFO = (FileObject) destFiles.nextElement();
destMap.put(destFO.getPath().substring(rootPathLen + 1), destFO);

FileObject contentDirectory = destRoot;
assert contentDirectory != null;

for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
File fsFile = artifact.getFile();
File altDistFile = artifact.getDistributionPath();
if (altDistFile == null) {
String classes = "target" + File.separator + "classes";
String filePath = artifact.getFile().getPath();
String altDistRelativePath = filePath.substring(filePath.indexOf(classes) + classes.length());
altDistFile = new File(destRoot.getPath() + File.separator + "WEB-INF" + File.separator + "classes" + altDistRelativePath);

FileObject file = FileUtil.toFileObject(FileUtil.normalizeFile(fsFile));

FileObject checkFile = FileUtil.toFileObject(FileUtil.normalizeFile(altDistFile));
if (checkFile == null && file != null) { //#165045
checkFile = FileUtil.createData(altDistFile);

if (checkFile != null && file != null) {
String relative = FileUtil.getRelativePath(contentDirectory, checkFile);
if (relative != null) {
FileObject targetFO = destMap.get(relative);
if (file.isFolder()) {

createOrReplace(file, targetFO, destRoot, relative, destMap, false);
} else if (checkFile != null && file == null) {

} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = NbBundle.getMessage(DeployOnSaveManager.class, "MSG_IncrementalDeployFailed", e);
throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);

private void createOrReplace(
FileObject sourceFO,
FileObject targetFO,
FileObject destRoot,
String relativePath,
Map<String, FileObject> destMap, boolean checkTimeStamps) throws IOException {

FileObject destFolder;
OutputStream destStream = null;
InputStream sourceStream = null;

try {
// double check that the target does not exist... 107526
// the destMap seems to be incomplete....
if (targetFO == null) {
targetFO = destRoot.getFileObject(relativePath);
if (targetFO == null) {
destFolder = findOrCreateParentFolder(destRoot, relativePath);
} else {
// remove from map to form of to-remove-target-list

//check timestamp
if (checkTimeStamps) {
if (!sourceFO.lastModified().after(targetFO.lastModified())) {
if (targetFO.equals(sourceFO)) {
// do not write a file onto itself...
destFolder = targetFO.getParent();

// we need to rewrite the content of the file here... thanks,
// to windows file locking.
destStream = targetFO.getOutputStream();


if (sourceFO.isFolder()) {
FileUtil.createFolder(destFolder, sourceFO.getNameExt());
try {
if (null == destStream) {
FileUtil.copyFile(sourceFO, destFolder, sourceFO.getName());
} else {
// this is where we need to push the content into the file....
sourceStream = sourceFO.getInputStream();
FileUtil.copy(sourceStream, destStream);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
// this may happen when the source file disappears
// perhaps when source is changing rapidly ?
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, null, ex);
} finally {
if (null != sourceStream) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, null, ioe);
if (null != destStream) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, null, ioe);

* Find or create parent folder of a file given its root and its
* relative path. The target file does not need to exist.
* @param dest FileObject for the root of the target file
* @param relativePath relative path of the target file
* @return the FileObject for the parent folder target file.
* @throws
private FileObject findOrCreateParentFolder(FileObject dest, String relativePath) throws IOException {
File parentRelativePath = (new File(relativePath)).getParentFile();
if (parentRelativePath == null) {
return dest;

FileObject folder = FileUtil.createFolder(dest, parentRelativePath.getPath());
if (folder.isData()) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "found file {0} when a folder was expecetd", folder.getPath());
folder = null;
return folder;


Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1798,13 +1798,13 @@ meth protected void enableFields()
meth protected void initCheckBoxes()
meth protected void initCredentials()
meth protected void initDirectoriesFields()
meth protected void initDockerVolume()
meth protected void initInstanceType()
meth protected void initDomainAndTarget()
meth protected void initFlagsFromProperties(org.netbeans.modules.payara.common.ui.InstancePanel$CheckBoxProperties)
meth protected void initFormFields()
meth protected void storeCheckBoxes()
meth protected void storeCredentials()
meth protected void storeDockerVolume()
meth protected void storeInstanceType()
meth protected void storeFormFields()
meth protected void storeHost()
meth protected void storePorts()
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -1156,6 +1156,10 @@ && getInstance().getContainerPath() != null
&& !getInstance().getContainerPath().isEmpty()) {
Path relativePath = Paths.get(getInstance().getContainerPath()).relativize(Paths.get(path));
path = Paths.get(getInstance().getHostPath(), relativePath.toString()).toString();
} else if (getInstance().isWSL()) {
path = path.substring(5); // Remove the "/mnt/" part
path = path.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + ":" + path.substring(1); // Capitalize the first letter (drive letter)
path = path.replace("/", "\\");
} else {
path = (new File(path)).getAbsolutePath();
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -1031,25 +1031,51 @@ public String getAdminPassword() {

* Get information if this Payara server instance is running in docker container.
* Get information if this Payara server instance is running in docker
* container.
* <p/>
* @return Value of <code>true</code> when this Payara server instance
* is docker instance or <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @return Value of <code>true</code> when this Payara server instance is
* docker instance or <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isDocker() {
return Boolean.valueOf(properties.getOrDefault(PayaraModule.DOCKER_ATTR, "false"));
return Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getOrDefault(PayaraModule.DOCKER_ATTR, "false"));

* Get information if this Payara server instance is running in wsl container.
* Sets the flag indicating if this Payara server instance is running in
* Docker container.
* <p/>
* @return Value of <code>true</code> when this Payara server instance
* is wsl instance or <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param isDocker A boolean indicating if the instance is running in
* Docker.
public void setDocker(boolean isDocker) {
properties.put(PayaraModule.DOCKER_ATTR, Boolean.toString(isDocker));

* Get information if this Payara server instance is running in wsl
* container.
* <p/>
* @return Value of <code>true</code> when this Payara server instance is
* wsl instance or <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isWSL() {
return Boolean.valueOf(properties.getOrDefault(PayaraModule.WSL_ATTR, "false"));
return Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getOrDefault(PayaraModule.WSL_ATTR, "false"));

* Sets the flag indicating if this Payara server instance is running in
* Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
* <p/>
* @param isWSL A boolean indicating if the instance is running in WSL.
public void setWSL(boolean isWSL) {
properties.put(PayaraModule.WSL_ATTR, Boolean.toString(isWSL));
if (!isWSL) {
properties.put(PayaraModule.DOMAINS_FOLDER_ATTR, null);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1097,7 +1123,13 @@ public void setContainerPath(final String containerPath) {
public String getDomainsFolder() {
return properties.get(PayaraModule.DOMAINS_FOLDER_ATTR);
String domainsDir = properties.get(PayaraModule.DOMAINS_FOLDER_ATTR);
if(isDocker()) {
return null;
} else if(isWSL() && domainsDir == null) {
domainsDir = getPayaraRoot() + File.separator + "domains";
return domainsDir;

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -156,10 +156,6 @@ InstancePanel.userNameField.text=
InstancePanel.hotDeploy.text=Enable Hot Deploy
InstancePanel.hostPathLabel.text=Host Path:
InstancePanel.containerPathLabel.text=Container Path:
ConnectionPoolAdvancedAttributesCustomizer.logJDBCCallsLabel.text=Log JDBC Calls:
ConnectionPoolAdvancedAttributesCustomizer.logJDBCCallsLayeredPane.toolTipText=When set to true, all JDBC calls will be logged allowing tracing of all JDBC interactions including SQL
Expand All @@ -170,3 +166,12 @@ ConnectionPoolAdvancedAttributesCustomizer.slowQueryLogThresholdLayeredPane.tool
ConnectionPoolAdvancedAttributesCustomizer.sqlTraceListenersLabel.text=SQL Trace Listeners:
ConnectionPoolAdvancedAttributesCustomizer.sqlTraceListenersLayeredPane.toolTipText=Comma-separated list of classes that implement the org.glassfish.api.jdbc.SQLTraceListener interface
InstancePanel.dockerInstance.text=Docker Volume
InstancePanel.dockerInstance.toolTipText=Enable this option to connect with a Payara Server instance hosted in a Docker container.
InstancePanel.wslInstance.toolTipText=Enable WSL integration to connect with a Payara Server instance running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux. The host IP can be determined using the 'hostname -I' command in WSL.
InstancePanel.hostPathLabel.text=Host Path:
InstancePanel.containerPathLabel.text=Container Path:
InstancePanel.instanceTypeLabel.text=Instance Type:

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