Releases: apache/incubator-kie-drools
Releases · apache/incubator-kie-drools
What's Changed
- [DROOLS-7529] Alyways use RightTupleImpl instead of RightTuple (Fix t… by @lucamolteni in #5452
- [DROOLS-7511] Review StoredObject and StoredEvent structure by @tkobayas in #5505
- [main] DSL: Remove branch 8.42.x by @kie-ci in #5515
- kie-issues-531 updating header files for ASF by @eduardocerqueira in #5503
- kie-issues#270: DMN Runner execution identifies wrongly missing requirements by @jomarko in #5461
- [DROOLS-7531] delay removal of empty activations after timers deserilization during session unmarshalling by @mariofusco in #5520
- CI: Update notification email by @radtriste in #5522
- kie-issues#574 Initial ASF Jenkins CI Setup by @jstastny-cz in #5531
- kie-issues#585 extend PR check timeout by @jstastny-cz in #5532
- [kie-issues#511] Migrate from jboss-parent to apache parent pom. by @baldimir in #5530
- kie-issues#586: configure and enable jenkins nightly by @jstastny-cz in #5534
- kie-issues#587 abort stale builds by @jstastny-cz in #5535
- Fix GitHub Actions by @baldimir in #5533
- kie-issues#593: switch to compile downstream in Jenkins by @jstastny-cz in #5538
- kie-issues#593: use install goal for downstream projects by @jstastny-cz in #5540
- kie-issues#595: revert accidental change of credentials by @jstastny-cz in #5539
- kie-issues#598: Add post build cleanup to PR checks by @jstastny-cz in #5542
- Fix javadoc, sources and distribution generation. by @baldimir in #5541
- kie-issues#599: disable sonar in PR checks by @jstastny-cz in #5543
- kie-issues#600: set credentials for buildchain by @jstastny-cz in #5546
- Fix forloop variables scoping for closures by @tarilabs in #5537
- Removed hardcoded jmh version only for drools-model-codegen by @lucamolteni in #5525
- [kie-issues#624] Fix coercing double type in Mvel compiler by @baldimir in #5550
- [DROOLS-7555] move automatic rest endpoints generation from Kogito to Drools by @mariofusco in #5548
- [KIE-627] remove no longer necessary PredicateConstraint by @mariofusco in #5551
- Upgrade Commons Compress to version 1.24.0 by @oscerd in #5549
- DROOLS-7552: improve updateObjectTypesList() by @nprentza in #5552
- [kie-issues#628] Update repositories and other small changes to Apache by @baldimir in #5553
- [DROOLS-7560] Improve getting started experience by @tkobayas in #5554
- Antlr 4.10.1 -> 4.13.0 by @lucamolteni in #5555
- bump to Quarkus 2.16.12 by @mariofusco in #5556
- [kie-issues-249] Data Index Events changes for allowing historical data by @elguardian in #5529
- [KIE-635] implement a cache for loaded services by @mariofusco in #5557
- kie-issues#647: add writeJunitReport to invoker configuration by @jstastny-cz in #5561
- [DROOLS-6834] remove drl prefix from drools quarkus extension + create drools-drl parent module by @mariofusco in #5564
- [kie-issues#653] Don't use System.out and logger debug mode in test output in traits by @baldimir in #5565
- [kie-issues#649] Use appropriate BigDecimal method to convert to primitive type by @lucamolteni in #5567
- [kie-issues#656] Change Overpass font to more widely used Arial in ReteDiagram generator. by @baldimir in #5568
- [kie-issues #657] Remove checkstyle warnings from drools base module by @pibizza in #5566
- [kie-issues #658] Remove checkstyle warnings from drools core module by @pibizza in #5569
- kie-issues#667: fix cleanup and settingsXml handling by @jstastny-cz in #5572
- kie-issues_599: set projectKey for sonarcloud by @jstastny-cz in #5573
- Enable snapshots deployment to Nexus repository. by @baldimir in #5575
- [DROOLS-7584] process completely all facts inserted before halt by @mariofusco in #5576
- [kie-issues #673] Remove checkstyle warnings from drools compiler module by @pibizza in #5574
- [DROOLS-7582] fix fact handles iteration from ObjectTypeNode attached to a named entry-point by @mariofusco in #5578
- [DROOLS-7583] fix insert logical for rule units by @mariofusco in #5579
- [KIE-686] fix peer update propagation for FromNode by @mariofusco in #5584
- [DROOLS-7587] fix session configuration lookup in session pool by @mariofusco in #5585
- [KIE-684] GHA Windows failure in drools by @tkobayas in #5583
- [DROOLS-7588] document soft expiration by @mariofusco in #5586
- kie-issues#710: freeze kogito-ci-build image tag by @jstastny-cz in #5588
- Updated for better gradle compatibility by @umutsahin in #5587
- [KIE-724] allow to write rules in yaml format making files with extension .drl.yaml to be a native drools resource type by @mariofusco in #5592
- kie-issues#710: configure dind image by @jstastny-cz in #5593
- [KIE-726] create a maven archetype for rules in yaml format by @mariofusco in #5595
- kie-issues#730: Add branch quarkus-3.2LTS in config file by @jstastny-cz in #5604
- kie-issues#727: define push GH tokens for jenkins by @jstastny-cz in #5597
- Lazily calculate identity hashcode inside the DefaultFactHandle by @lucamolteni in #5606
- [KIE-734] support yaml format in quarkus extension by @mariofusco in #5607
- [KIE-684] GHA Windows failure in drools. Additional fix for maven-compiler-plugin by @tkobayas in #5590
- fix Javadocs generation with JDK 17 by @mariofusco in #5608
- Update by @njain2208 in #5610
- kie-issues#742: upgrade jacoco maven plugin to 0.8.11 by @jstastny-cz in #5609
- [DROOLS-7578] Evaluate Impact analysis for ansible integration rules by @tkobayas in #5594
- [KIE-748] drools executable-model fails with BigDecimal coercion for … by @tkobayas in #5618
- Fix and improve documentation (#12) by @tkobayas in #5619
- [kie-issues#754] Use UTF-8 on important places during Quarkus build by @baldimir in #5620
- [incubator-kie-issues#83] Refactor InfixOpNode inside DMN core by @gitgabrio in #5621
- [DROOLS-7540] Coercion from Interger literal to BigDecimal bind varia… by @tkobayas in #5622
- kie-issues#767: set user config for git by @jstastny-cz in #5624
- Bump to Quarkus 3.2 LTS and Jakarta namespace by @mariofusco in #5625
- [kie-issues#745] Handle lists and maps in method calls and constructors in drools-mvel-compiler by @baldimir in #5617
- [main] DSL: Remove branch quarkus-3.2LTS by @jstastny-cz in #5627
- [NO-IS...
What's Changed
- allow snapshot for downstream drools-ansible CI to avoid unnecessary … by @tkobayas in /~
- DROOLS-7533 Added
config by @radtriste in /~ - BXMSPROD-2104: new parameter for JDK version in SonarCloud analysis by @mbiarnes in /~
- CI: Deactivate
checks by @radtriste in /~ - Set back
in buildchain config by @radtriste in /~ - kie-issues#423: 9.x: Remove build-chain patch by @radtriste in /~
- CI: Review full profile usage by @radtriste in /~
- Quarkus 3: small fix on script by @radtriste in /~
- KOGITO-8400 Setup Makefile by @radtriste in /~
- Setup build-chain project deps mapping more flexible by @radtriste in /~
- Revert "CI: Deactivate
checks" by @radtriste in /~ - doc: Tooltip boxes for Rule Unit DSL by @tarilabs in /~
- Add drools-website in branch config prod repos by @lampajr in /~
- Build-chain: Kogito Examples upstream does not have quick profile by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7537 remove no longer needed activation count in event fact handle by @mariofusco in /~
- DROOLS-7512 opt-in object store with references for reliable session by @nprentza in /~
- Quarkus 3: Disable
calls by @radtriste in /~ - minor performances improvements by @mariofusco in /~
- Revert "Quarkus 3: Disable
calls (#5489)" by @radtriste in /~ - [main] [kie-issues#522] Bump Quarkus version to 2.16.10.Final by @kie-ci4 in /~
- Quarkus 3: Remove full profile for quarkus update by @radtriste in /~
- KOGITO-8400 Updated Makefile by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7534 implement collect on custom Collection classes in executable model by @mariofusco in /~
- DROOLS-7528 Avoid casting to unnecessary interfaces (Fix the secondary super cache problem in Drools) by @lucamolteni in /~
- Quarkus 3: Fix CI by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7480 Persist info to identify which activation is fired or not by @tkobayas in /~
- kie-issues#364: DMN FEEL function split(string, delimiter, flags) sho… by @jomarko in /~
- DROOLS-7538 IdentityHashMap inverseStorage by @nprentza in /~
- DROOLS-7535 fix split package in drools-util by @mariofusco in /~
- Build Chain: Exclude mapping drools/kie-jpmml-integration by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7508 Enhance KieService to choose services based on tags by @tkobayas in /~
- DROOLS-7542 make addition of a child rule to its parent thread safe by @mariofusco in /~
- [9.44.x] Update version to 9.44.0.Final by @kie-ci4 in /~
Full Changelog: kiegroup/drools@9.43.0.Alpha...9.44.0.Final
What's Changed
- allow snapshot for downstream drools-ansible CI to avoid unnecessary … by @tkobayas in /~
- DROOLS-7533 Added
config by @radtriste in /~ - BXMSPROD-2104: new parameter for JDK version in SonarCloud analysis by @mbiarnes in /~
- CI: Deactivate
checks by @radtriste in /~ - Set back
in buildchain config by @radtriste in /~ - kie-issues#423: 9.x: Remove build-chain patch by @radtriste in /~
- CI: Review full profile usage by @radtriste in /~
- Quarkus 3: small fix on script by @radtriste in /~
- KOGITO-8400 Setup Makefile by @radtriste in /~
- Setup build-chain project deps mapping more flexible by @radtriste in /~
- Revert "CI: Deactivate
checks" by @radtriste in /~ - doc: Tooltip boxes for Rule Unit DSL by @tarilabs in /~
- Add drools-website in branch config prod repos by @lampajr in /~
- Build-chain: Kogito Examples upstream does not have quick profile by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7537 remove no longer needed activation count in event fact handle by @mariofusco in /~
- DROOLS-7512 opt-in object store with references for reliable session by @nprentza in /~
- Quarkus 3: Disable
calls by @radtriste in /~ - minor performances improvements by @mariofusco in /~
- Revert "Quarkus 3: Disable
calls (#5489)" by @radtriste in /~ - [main] [kie-issues#522] Bump Quarkus version to 2.16.10.Final by @kie-ci4 in /~
- Quarkus 3: Remove full profile for quarkus update by @radtriste in /~
- KOGITO-8400 Updated Makefile by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7534 implement collect on custom Collection classes in executable model by @mariofusco in /~
- DROOLS-7528 Avoid casting to unnecessary interfaces (Fix the secondary super cache problem in Drools) by @lucamolteni in /~
- Quarkus 3: Fix CI by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7480 Persist info to identify which activation is fired or not by @tkobayas in /~
- kie-issues#364: DMN FEEL function split(string, delimiter, flags) sho… by @jomarko in /~
- DROOLS-7538 IdentityHashMap inverseStorage by @nprentza in /~
- DROOLS-7535 fix split package in drools-util by @mariofusco in /~
- Build Chain: Exclude mapping drools/kie-jpmml-integration by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7508 Enhance KieService to choose services based on tags by @tkobayas in /~
- DROOLS-7542 make addition of a child rule to its parent thread safe by @mariofusco in /~
Full Changelog: kiegroup/drools@8.43.0.Final...8.44.0.Final
What's Changed
- Jenkins: Cleanup branches by @radtriste in /~
- 9.x: Fix CI by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7416 Add Invalidate RuleUnit method by @tkobayas in /~
- DROOLS-7500 StoresOnly Strategy tests - accumulate in DRL by @tkobayas in /~
- DROOLS-7513 Upgrade Infinispan to 14.0.13.Final by @tkobayas in /~
- Quarkus 3: Update patches by @radtriste in /~
- chore: update json-schema-validator:1.0.86 by @tarilabs in /~
- [Quarkus 3 migration] Updated Openrewrite patch by @kie-ci4 in /~
- DROOLS-7517 fix wrong node sharing in PrototypeDSL when using custom PrototypeExpressions by @mariofusco in /~
- fix parallel evaluation by @mariofusco in /~
- Ignore enforcer rules if stream is not 8 by @radtriste in /~
- [main] Correct deploy pipeline by @github-actions in /~
- KOGITO-9611 - Add identity to process events by @cristianonicolai in /~
- [main] Correct promote pipeline by @github-actions in /~
- KOGITO-9671 CI: Remove bot account usage by @radtriste in /~
- downstream drools-ansible-rulebook-integration Update to JDK 17 by @tarilabs in /~
- BuildChain config: kogito runtimes should run the full profile for Python by @radtriste in /~
- KOGITO-8115: Deploy jobs should deploy locally and then push to Nexus by @mbiarnes in /~
- [kie-issues#394] Unnecessary warning when DRL file is placed in BOOT-INF/classes directory by @baldimir in /~
- DROOLS-7518 NullPointerException in MemoryFileSystem when kbase.nam… by @tkobayas in /~
- kie-dmn-xls2dmn-cli, kie-dmn-ruleset2dmn-cli fails on shading by @lucamolteni in /~
- [main] DSL: Remove branch 8.41.x by @kie-ci in /~
- [main] Bump Quarkus version to 2.16.9.Final by @kie-ci4 in /~
- DROOLS-7526 avoid emitting a misleading warning on a contains mvel expression by @mariofusco in /~
- DROOLS-7530 The string used inside the fact handle as a key generates a lot of type pollution (Fix the secondary super cache problem in Drools) by @lucamolteni in /~
- DROOLS-7523 allow parallel evaluation of LHS part of rules with sequential firing of consequences by @mariofusco in /~
- KOGITO-9676 CI: Promote call setup-branch job by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7520 fix query OTN lookup by @mariofusco in /~
- KOGITO-5386: added a new parameter for unique branch name by @mbiarnes in /~
- DROOLS-7522 Alyways use AbstractLeftTuple instead of LeftTuple (Fix the secondary super cache problem in Drools) by @lucamolteni in /~
- DROOLS-7525 immediately delete a logical assertion by @mariofusco in /~
- DROOLS-7527 Alyways use AbstractTuple instead of Tuple (Fix the secondary super cache problem in Drools) by @lucamolteni in /~
- Quarkus 3 : fix patches by @radtriste in /~
- KOGITO-9692 Fix release generation by @radtriste in /~
- [9.43.x] Update version to 9.43.0.Alpha by @kie-ci4 in /~
Full Changelog: kiegroup/drools@9.42.0.Alpha...9.43.0.Alpha
What's Changed
- 9.x: Fix CI by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7416 Add Invalidate RuleUnit method by @tkobayas in /~
- DROOLS-7500 StoresOnly Strategy tests - accumulate in DRL by @tkobayas in /~
- DROOLS-7513 Upgrade Infinispan to 14.0.13.Final by @tkobayas in /~
- Quarkus 3: Update patches by @radtriste in /~
- chore: update json-schema-validator:1.0.86 by @tarilabs in /~
- [Quarkus 3 migration] Updated Openrewrite patch by @kie-ci4 in /~
- DROOLS-7517 fix wrong node sharing in PrototypeDSL when using custom PrototypeExpressions by @mariofusco in /~
- fix parallel evaluation by @mariofusco in /~
- Ignore enforcer rules if stream is not 8 by @radtriste in /~
- [main] Correct deploy pipeline by @github-actions in /~
- KOGITO-9611 - Add identity to process events by @cristianonicolai in /~
- [main] Correct promote pipeline by @github-actions in /~
- KOGITO-9671 CI: Remove bot account usage by @radtriste in /~
- downstream drools-ansible-rulebook-integration Update to JDK 17 by @tarilabs in /~
- BuildChain config: kogito runtimes should run the full profile for Python by @radtriste in /~
- KOGITO-8115: Deploy jobs should deploy locally and then push to Nexus by @mbiarnes in /~
- [kie-issues#394] Unnecessary warning when DRL file is placed in BOOT-INF/classes directory by @baldimir in /~
- DROOLS-7518 NullPointerException in MemoryFileSystem when kbase.nam… by @tkobayas in /~
- kie-dmn-xls2dmn-cli, kie-dmn-ruleset2dmn-cli fails on shading by @lucamolteni in /~
- [main] DSL: Remove branch 8.41.x by @kie-ci in /~
- [main] Bump Quarkus version to 2.16.9.Final by @kie-ci4 in /~
- DROOLS-7526 avoid emitting a misleading warning on a contains mvel expression by @mariofusco in /~
- DROOLS-7530 The string used inside the fact handle as a key generates a lot of type pollution (Fix the secondary super cache problem in Drools) by @lucamolteni in /~
- DROOLS-7523 allow parallel evaluation of LHS part of rules with sequential firing of consequences by @mariofusco in /~
- KOGITO-9676 CI: Promote call setup-branch job by @radtriste in /~
- DROOLS-7520 fix query OTN lookup by @mariofusco in /~
- KOGITO-5386: added a new parameter for unique branch name by @mbiarnes in /~
- DROOLS-7522 Alyways use AbstractLeftTuple instead of LeftTuple (Fix the secondary super cache problem in Drools) by @lucamolteni in /~
- DROOLS-7525 immediately delete a logical assertion by @mariofusco in /~
- DROOLS-7527 Alyways use AbstractTuple instead of Tuple (Fix the secondary super cache problem in Drools) by @lucamolteni in /~
- Quarkus 3 : fix patches by @radtriste in /~
- KOGITO-9692 Fix release generation by @radtriste in /~
- [8.43.x] Update version to 8.43.0.Final by @kie-ci4 in /~
Full Changelog: kiegroup/drools@8.42.0.Final...8.43.0.Final