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Dubbo-Go-Pixiu(official site: https://dubbo.apache.org/zh/docs3-v2/dubbo-go-pixiu/) is a high-performance API gateway and multi-language solution Sidecar in the Dubbo ecosystem
It is an open source Dubbo ecosystem API gateway, and also a sidecar to let other compute language program access the dubbo clusters by HTTP/gRPC protocol. As an API gateway, Pixiu can receive external network requests, convert them into dubbo and other protocol requests, and forward them to the back cluster; as a sidecar, Pixiu expects to register to the Dubbo cluster instead of the proxy service, allowing multilingual services to access the Dubbo cluster to provide faster solution
- go 1.17 or higher
- docker or docker-desktop
you can find out all demo in /~https://github.com/apache/dubbo-go-pixiu-samples. download it and operate as below.
git clone /~https://github.com/apache/dubbo-go-pixiu-samples.git
go get github.com/apache/dubbo-go-pixiu@v0.6.0-rc2
cd dubbogo/simple
we can use start.sh to run samples quickly. for more info, execute command as below for more help
./start.sh [action] [project]
./start.sh help
we run [direct] samples step by step as follows.
'prepare' command will prepare dubbo-server and pixiu config file firstly, and then start docker container.
./start.sh prepare direct
if prepare config file manually, notice:
- modify $PROJECT_DIR in conf.yaml to absolute path
./start.sh startServer direct
./start.sh startPixiu direct
if run pixiu manually in pixiu project, use command as below.
go run cmd/pixiu/*.go gateway start -c /[absolute-path]/dubbo-go-pixiu-samples/dubbogo/simple/direct/pixiu/conf.yaml
if run pixiu manually in pixiu project and wasm feature, use command as below.
build pixiu project use command operate
go build -tags wasm -o pixiu cmd/pixiu/*.go
run pixiu app binary
go build cmd/pixiu/*.go
./pixiu gateway start -c /[absolute-path]/dubbo-go-pixiu-samples/dubbogo/simple/direct/pixiu/conf.yaml
use curl to try or use unit test
curl http://localhost:8883/UserService/com.dubbogo.pixiu.UserService/GetUserByCode \
-H "x-dubbo-http1.1-dubbo-version:1.0.0" -H "x-dubbo-service-protocol:dubbo" \
-H "x-dubbo-service-version:1.0.0" -H "x-dubbo-service-group:test" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '[1]'
curl http://localhost:8883/UserService/com.dubbogo.pixiu.UserService/UpdateUserByName \
-H "x-dubbo-http1.1-dubbo-version:1.0.0" -H "x-dubbo-service-protocol:dubbo" \
-H "x-dubbo-service-version:1.0.0" -H "x-dubbo-service-group:test" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '["tc",{"id":"0002","code":1,"name":"tc","age":15}]'
curl http://localhost:8883/UserService/com.dubbogo.pixiu.UserService/GetUserByCode \
-H "x-dubbo-http1.1-dubbo-version:1.0.0" -H "x-dubbo-service-protocol:dubbo" \
-H "x-dubbo-service-version:1.0.0" -H "x-dubbo-service-group:test" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d '[1]'
./start.sh startTest body
./start.sh clean direct
docker run --name pixiu-gateway -p 8888:8888 dubbogopixiu/dubbo-go-pixiu:latest
docker run --name pixiu-gateway -p 8888:8888 \
-v /yourpath/conf.yaml:/etc/pixiu/conf.yaml \
-v /yourpath/log.yml:/etc/pixiu/log.yml \
- Multi-protocol support: Currently, Http, Dubbo2, Triple, gRPC protocol proxy and conversion are supported, and other protocols are being continuously integrated.
- Safety certificate: Support HTTPS, JWT Token verification and other security authentication measures.
- Registry integration: Support to obtain service metadata from Dubbo or Spring Cloud cluster, support ZK, Nacos registry.
- Traffic management: Integrate with sentinel, support multiple protocols for rate limiting.
- Observability: Integrate with opentelemetry and jaeger for distributed tracing.
- Admin and visual interface: Have pixiu-admin for remote administration and visualization
The pixiu control plane is forked from istio v1.14.3. Offers a variety of capabilities, including service discovery, traffic management, security management.
The project is under intensively iteration, you are more than welcome to use, suggest and contribute codes.
DingDing Group (31203920):
We welcome the friends who can give us constructing suggestions instead of known-nothing.
Apache License, Version 2.0